kicking ass, maybe taking names for later


It seems that one day a weekend my head feels thick, like when you've been staring at a computer or tv for too long. Today is that day. I feel rather in capable of doing anything. Going to try to soon, but it seems an uphill battle. I had a meeting this morning, got free (sort of) breakfast. We didn't get so much done, but I think it was worthwhile. I don't really know anyone in my group, but they're really nice, very easy to be friendly with. They all know each other, I don't know if they're really good friends, but they talk to each other outside of class at least, but they weren't exclusive at all, it was really nice. I wonder what they think of me. They liked the little bit of stuff that I had, which is good, but who knows. Anyway, I had fun, good food, good talk, nice cats, good music. So yesh. I also got three boxes of stuff from Pittsburgh today. My mom went back there between christmas and New Years to pack up all me grandma's things and she sent me a lot. I now have more kitchen stuff than I know what to do with. I'll have to ask her what a few of the things are for. There's these ovally, diamondy shallow metal dish things that I'm not sure about. I hope I have more time next year, I want to cook more. I like cooking, but I'm still kind of scared of it. Also pictures, some books, some really pretty bowls. Two things broke, one of them can be glued back together, but the other is a goner, which is too bad. She also sent me a pillow case I had embroidered. It says Grandma in bad cursive on the edge, and on one side is a cat with open eyes, on the other the cat has closed eyes. I had totally forgotten about it. I think I did that when I was 10? 11? Maybe a little older, but not be much. I'm actually kind of impressed by the needlework. I didn't know I could do that. I guess I could now, with a little practice, and it would be better. After I sent her that she sent me these flannel sheets with an embroidery pattern of roses. I've always wanted to do that, might this summer. Maybe that'll be my project, along with learning to cook. My my, I'm turming into such a little homemaker. It's wierd, I've never liked sewing, but embroidery is okay, for some reson. More mindless, I guess, you can talk or listen to the radio. And as for cooking, I think it's because I miss my dads cooking.

Starting to feel a little overwhelmed by school. There's so much work to do, and it's hard to balance feeling like I have to do it all now now now, which isn't true, and thinking it's not due for a while, I have plenty of time, which also isn't true. It'll be interesting. Anyway, head feels a little better, so I'm going to go.

4:18 p.m.
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