kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The Goat

I recommend "The Goat" to every one. Not that anyone reads this. But. It's very good, though fairly disturbing. It's by Edward Albee, who I haven't read much of, but I like. While we were discussing it, some one said it was absurdist, which I don't know about. (There's a whole definition of the absurdist playwriting style, but I won't go into that now). The situation that they're in is rather absurd, but I don't know that they react in a typically absurdist way. I can see it happening like that without much suspension of disbelief. Anyway, I liked it. And now I have to do costume research on it, which is a stumbling block. I have to find pictures of what I think these people look like (thank god there's only 4) and what they wear, not particularly "this guy wears this period", but grillions of pictures of this type of person etc. It's a contempory play which makes it harder. Magazines etc will give me pretty people, and these people are pretty normal. I dunno. I'll figure it out. I'm glad that this semester seems (so far) a lot more interesting than last. There's a lot more work, but because it's all interesting, it's not as hard to do, or at least, to start. So yes. That's all for the moment. I'm really cold and really hungry, so I think I'll go do something about that, and try to find pictures.
6:41 p.m.
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