kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Where am I again?

I'm better now. Yesterday was strange day. I just got back from being in Stanford for 5 days, and was having issues adjusting. I've decided that I really like the campus. Lots of oak trees, for one (and squirrels, the squirrels are awesome), but the main thing is that since it's so big, everyone rides their bike everywhere. Kind of sucked for me, having to walk, but it was nice seeing masses of bikes. So apparently people don't really lock their bikes up to the rack all that often, just lock the wheel to the frame-right next to the rack. Matt finally asked some one why, and they replied that you never lock your bike to the rack, some one could drive up in a truck, pick up the whole rack, throw it in the back, and drive off. We both thought this was ridiculous, but his study partner who went to undergrad at Wisconsin or Minnesota (can't remember) agreed, so it must have happened some where once. Paranoia spreads fast.

So anyway, being back yesterday, I couldn't understand why I was here. I just couldn't get it. It wasn't so much that I minded being in school, it was 'why am I not in California?' I was so happy and relaxed there, I couldn't understand why I had left. It was partially the weather and lack of people I don't like but have to be around, and partially the freedom of time, not having to be places, but mostly just being with Matt. I did all my homework while I was there, and he had lots of studying, but he'd be right over THERE, and I'd be sitting HERE, ten feet away, and I don't understand why I had to leave, why that had to end. I got work done, wasn't stressed, slept, all the things that don't always happen here. I think I should just move this whole school down there. But he'll be up here next year, so then maybe I'll understand fully why I'm here. I'm not as out of it as I was yesterday, but I still don't get it. It makes even less sense because I go back on the 20th, one week, to be there till the 30th, then I come back till the 12th, then I go there for a month. Why did I come back? Can't I just mail in my work? Argh

8:01 a.m.
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