kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

tired. tense. bleh.

Long day. Lit was interesting, or rather, what I listened to of lit was. I was reading The Importance of Being Earnest, which we have a quiz on friday for, good play, very funny, very tangled. After that I had to go to Sears to get a new tire. I got a flat a week or so ago and have been driving on the spare, not that great of an idea, but hey. I didn't even notice it was flat (I mean, yeah, it was majorly pulling to the right, and didn't sound right, but no pop , whappita whappita) so I drove on it for about 6 blocks before deciding I should pull over and check it out. Hence why I couldn't just patch this tire, I had to get a whole new one. I now realize why daytime television sucks. It was on in the waiting room, and I finished reading Road to Mecca for the fifth time, so for the last hour or so of waiting, I watched Judge Mathis and part of an infomercial. Bleh. But then I had my conference with Dave, for figuring out classes for next semester. Since I'm stagemanaging BPH, and it rehearses in the afternoons, I want to keep that clear, but theatre history is mon. weds. 1-3, which means that they hire another SM to cover those 4 hours a week. Ridiculous to have 3 SMs. SO I've been trying to work it so that I can take Lit and History in the morning (they overlap 20 minutes). This means I could take studio early. Studio is a class in which we basically do everything but build the play. ALl the research and discussions and design work. Even if I take history in the afternoon, I can still take costume studio, which I was planning on taking at some point anyway. That whole explanation was rather muddled, wasn't it? The end point is-I'm taking 16 credits, so far, no Humanities courses. I can go up to 18 before they start charging me extra, but I'm not sure I want to, though it would be nice to be getting all that out of the way now. So I have to find something, we'll see. Maybe I'll just take yoga and callit a day.

After my meeting, I came home, ate (something I hadn't done previously) and hung out till it was time for kinesiology. Good class, except that I was crashing right about then. We started on the shoulder joints today. I like all the back stuff because my back is so screwed up. Nice to learn exactly what's where and how it moves and affects things. SO now I'm home, very tired, but I still have homework, so yes. I go now, to draw moments of tension.

6:59 p.m.
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