kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Back again.

I've neglected this for a while, but I'm going to try not to. Will be easier in a few days, when I have internet at home. I finally have my own computer. I've never had that before. It's pretty cool, I'm very happy with it. I got to pick it out and everything! I did not get to pick my car. I feel really sorry for it, it's an '88 Ford escort that really should be retired. It's been abused in it's life, and now I think it stops running so it can get free rides from tow trucks. I actually really like it, and it tries really hard, but I wish that I could just let it go to the junkyard in the sky. Jill and I did a lot of work on it this weekend, just basic stuff, oil change, fuel filter, sparks. It was all fine and dandy (louder than usual, but running a lot smoother) till we put fuel injector cleaner and gas in it. And got about two blocks. I'm very happy that I only got two blocks, actually. We were about a block from the freeway entrance that I was going to get on. That would have really sucked. As it was, it just meant extra time, and I think I'm going to have to drain the tank and put new gas in. The concensus seems to be that I put too much fuel injector cleaner in (possible making it too high octane, whatever that means). So we'll see.

As for school, it's good. There's a lot less work, and a lot more free time, which feels really odd, but the work is harder, so it does even out. I really llike my theatre lit class, stage management is good. Lighting I already know most of what we've done so far, but it's good review and I like the teacher. Theatre history so far has not touched the history part, but it's fairly interesting. Kinesiology (study o' movement as related to the human body, i.e.muscles etc.) is good. It's hard because she simplifys it; by doing that pieces that you could connect other information to are left out. But the weekly quiz's are easy, and she's an easy grader.

The mainstage show is Henry V, which I'm doing props on, which I like. Actually co-props. I was his assistant, but Brandon didn't like the idea of having an assistant, so we dispensed with official title. So lot's of interesting 17th century research (the play is set in 1414, but the director is having it be a troup in the 1600's doing it, so I researched both for props. It's funny, the hardest thing to get information on was what a comb looked like. Most everything else I got from art history books, and random other things. So later today I go out in Jill's car and find wine glasses and wooden buckets.

Matt's at Stanford. I miss him a lot. He's settled in now, and doing pretty well, classes start tomorrow, so we'll see how busy he is then. I'll see him at Thanksgiving, which means we won't see each other for 10 and a half weeks, which is a little daunting, but so far it's been bearable. I've got plenty to keep me busy. But I miss him terribly. It's odd, you read in cheesy books about missing some one so badly it aches, but it's true. I won't mention it again here much, because it's gets boring to read over and over. I haven't mentioned it at school at all. I don't know, it's personal. Besides the fact that I know they don't want to listen to me whine about it, I don't really want to tell them. Don't know that any one there would really understand or care. I don't know. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll make myself write more later so I get in the habit of writing again.

11:48 a.m.
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