kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

home again home again

I know a girl named Talia who does gyumnastics. Different city, different state, but still, guestbook entries start trains of thought. I'm actually back in Berkeley. I think UW doesn't get out for another few weeks, yes? Cornish got out May 2nd. I was ready for that, too. But I survived! Hahahahaha!!! I'm free! I made it though my first year, and I didn't kill myself, and I didn't pull any all nighters cause I stayed (for the most part) on top of things! I'm very happy about that. I've grown up since high school. Or maybe I'm just in a good place that lets me show that. I don't know. I'm glad that it's over and I get a 4 month break now, but that also just seems like the wierdest thing ever. What'd you mean, I don't have to be up at 7:30p to get to drafting? I got so used to the routine, it's strange to have it gone. But all is good. And hopefully I will soon be employed full time, raking in money. Life is good now, and I'm tired, sleep now.
9:34 p.m.
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