kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

cars and such

"98% of the time, the servers are happy as punch..." Hmmmmm. Then why is it that 65% of the time that I try to add a new entry, I get that message? No, not really complaining, nor is that my excuse for lack of writing. But I found it interesting (especially as I don't just try to write at one specific time of day, could be anytime). Anyway, working now, not full time, which pisses me off a bit, as I did apply for that. I think it's a little late to apply anywhere else, as I'm here for another 7 weeks or so. Don't think anyone really wants that short term of a summer worker.

I almost have my drivers license! Yay me. Nearly three years after most people I know, I will finally be able to drive by myself legally. I'm almost glad I waited, for a couple reasons. One, I was given a car recently (sadly by relatives I dislike, but hey, I ain't complaining!) and two, unlike all the 16 year olds getting cars, I do not have the probationary period that California has. 6 months where you can't have anyone under 25 in the car with you, unless there's also some one over 25, and no driving between a1 am and 5 am unaccompanied by said >25 yr old, and then the next six months of just the night driving thing. But no, being an "adult" when I get it, I do not that at all. Get the card, and go drive. I'm thinking, as I have to go up to Seattle to find an apartment in about 3 weeks, and I was planning on taking greyhound, as that's 80$ cheaper than flying, I may as well drive up, yes? We shall see. That's a long trip, and with just me driving, in a car that runs slightly suspiciosly, I dunno, we'll see. I already had to have the gas tank replaced. Apparently with Fords, they used to not coat the tank with something water resistant, and so since this car barely ever got driven, condensation kept forming, and then sliding down to the bottom of the tank, where it sat there happily eating away at the bottom, until finally it rusted though. The relatives who gave me the car were kind enough to pay the 400 to fix it, so I feel kind of bad asking them to pay for other general repairs that need to be done (like something slipping, and it revving quite a lot before going anywhere, and the wheels need to be balanced and realigned and on and on). So we shall see. Alrighty, I am uninspired to add to this at the moment. More later perhaps.

9:51 a.m.
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