kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Days off are lovely

It's my day off. From the opera, at any rate. This weekend I spent 25 hours in the theatre, 13 on saturday, 12 on sunday, total of 2 hours break time between the two. As much as I love theatre and doing lighting and watching the show come together, it was getting to be a little much for me. And waking up at 7 on the weekend just isn't a happy thing. I slept in till ten today and it was lovely.

But the show is going good. The singing ain't too bad, the set looks really good, and the lights, though they are not what I would have done, and have some weak moments, and need to be fixed in quite a few spots, are looking pretty damn good. I'm happy with it. I really like working with Chris, the lighting designer. Any one who says things like "Now we're cooking with Play-doh" and goes into undefined accents is good in my book. Beth is tolerable. She's good at what she does, and she's driven, so even though she drives me insane I like working with her.

I was going to put up a whole long entry about lighting, basically telling everything I know about how it works and circuits and dimmers and channels and different lighting instruments and electricity, but then diaryland wouldn't let me update, and now I don't quite have it in me. Maybe later. Or not. All I know is right now I'm going to go home and take a shower and lie around and maybe catch up on some english work. But maybe not. It's my night off, damnit.

6:01 p.m.
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