kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

apologies and reparations

Sorry everyone for that last posting and it being up so long. I've been too busy and distracted to actually write for a bit. But now you know more about power tools! Yes. Well. Anyhow. This year's going fairly well. i'm not really behind in anything (except possibly english, need to write that essay soon...). But other than that, good. It's midterm conference week (early this year, it should be in two weeks, just before spring break, but they didn't like the idea of effectively giving us two weeks of break in a row, grrrr), so we have little individual meetings with the teachers, and they tell us how wwe're doing. Man oh man, I love going to a shool that doesn't have midterm exams. Maybe it's just my major, though. Either way. The only class I was worried about was Karens, the evil teacher from last semester who made us paint opaquely all the time. Not this semester, though, and so far I've got an A- in her class, which rocks. Last semester for her half of the class I had a B-, I think. Perhaps they grade harder first semester as well. Who knows. The point is, I'm pleased with myself. Think I'm going to quit my job as light booth cleaner, though. I never have a chunk of time to go in there. I need about three hours free to do it (two hours of work, half an hour travel each way) which I don't seem to have at any given time. I feel bad about bailing on it, but isn't it better that I should quit so that some one else can do it, rather than me holding onto the job and not working, and probably eventually getting fired? I think so. I had a good weekend. Went down to Berkeley (yes, for Valentine's day), so I got to be there for 4 days. Saw Conact, a sort of (and I KNOW that this term is pretentious, but what the hell, it's accurate) dance-based performance. It wasn't a musical (no singing), or a play, though you could say it was three one acts, and it was not just a dance show. So my term for it is dance-based performance. It was really really good. I love watching good dancing, especially when it's part of a story. If anyone's in SF about now and has some extra money, go see it. Though the third piece is the longest, and the one that everyone talks about, I keep thinking about the second one. It might just be because I loved the dress whe wears, but it was very nicely done. It starts out with a few day-dream sequences, and then one starts out as a day-dream sequence, but then you think she gets waken up (as it were) and there's a happy ending, but then it keeps going, and it turns out that all of that, including the happy ending, was a day-dream. It's a bit sad that way, but I liked it. But that's not the focal piece of the show. They came up with the last one, and then to make it a full show, came up with the first two. What else, what else. Tabitha is almost definitely moving back at the begining of summer. Is it bad of me to say that I'm glad about that? I like her, she's a pretty darn good roomate, but she can drive me nuts, and I am looking forward to living alone next year. Unless of course, Matt goes to UW. He got in there and Carnegie Melon. 8 more schools to hear back from. Of course I want him here. I'm starting to really hate having a long distance relationship, and I miss him, and it's going to even worse next year after a summer of living together, but I want him to go to the best school he gets in to. I'm kind of counting on him not going to UW so I don't get my hopes up. And I think I'd like to live alone for a year. Don't know if I'll have a chance to again. But damn I want him to be here. Alrighty, my brain is fried, I just spent two hours reading through Minderella's old entries, so I'm going to go home now.
7:22 p.m.
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