kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

happy happy day

Chelsea is very cool. Don't know if I've talked about her before, if I did she was mentioned as "Hair". Every day she rats her hair up into this big standy up thing and curls the ends up. I'm impressed that she takes the effort to do that every single darn day. I just hung out with her for a little over an hour, talked about a lot of stuff, we tend towards some of the same things for the same reasons, like we're both very amused by Elimidate, just because it's so ridiculous, and so easy to make fun of. Things like that. Good times.

I forgot a few things last couple times I wrote. My english teacher (Dave, by the way) was telling us this little thing the other day. I'll write it in quotes, but know that I'm paraphrasing - "There's this story that I like, about this crazy old guy who recreates this room of mirrors designed in the Rennaisance, so he has this room that's just covered in mirrors. One day he's out doing errands, and he gets kidnapped, but instead of taking him to some hideout, they take him to his home. They put him in his mirror room, and lock him in. So he's sitting there, looking around at his reflection an infinite number of times, and thinks, 'huh, did I kidnap myself?' That's what I want all of you to do. Try to kidnap yourselves. Hijack yourselves. Be your own terrorist." We all thought that was the best quote. It was awesome. He said analogous 'ana log us', though, instead of 'anaal agus'. Grrrr. Oh well. I knew what he meant. And today I got to show off my circus knowledge a bit, yay me. I need to relearn circus history, though. I'm a little fuzzy on things now. Speaking of fuzzy, my memory and dyslexia are getting worse. I can't remember little things, or what I was talking about before I got sidetracked or anything like that for the life of me. It's a little unnerving, never used to be like that. And I've always had issues with left and right, and when I'm tired I switch b's and g's and d's (I know, I know, none of this is really dyslexia, dyslexia is something bigger and all, but it's close enough to be called that. Let me have my artistic license), but now I do it even when I'm not tired, and leave out letters, write 15 instead of 51, write 402 instead of 42. Not good. Also quite unnerving. Oh well.

Oh! Really really good news. Jennifer Tipton is a brilliantly good lighting designer, like fabulously, superbly, jaw-droppingly good. And she's going to be in Seattle, designing for the 03-04 opera season. I wrote her an email saying "I'm really pathetic, but you're awesome, and do you need a lackey?" Keep in mind, I wrote this at 11 last night. I check my email at 8 his morning and find this -


Don't know that I need a lackey but you never can tell. You certainly are invited to come to all sessions -- rehearsal, focus, tech, dress rehearsals, etc.

As the time gets closer (Oct 12 - 16) you should get in touch with Connie. She will be my assistant while I am there.

Best, Jennifer

HOW AWESOME IS THAT?? I had a good day. Oh, and Dante has a little toy, you know the things where there are little figures on a round 2 inch tall base, that by pushing the thing under the base, you can make dance? She has one of Mr. and Mrs. Clause. It's not PG13. It's really really funny, though. Kept us amused for a while. And Jill got me a bagel for lunch. I bow down to her. Alrighty, I go now, have reading to do tonight, and I have to walk home. Kind of want to call Jill and see if she'll drive me, but I don't want to keep taking advantage of her car. I feel kind of bad. It's cold, but the scarf Matt's mom gave me is really warm. I think warmer that the one I stole from him. Hmmm. Okay, I go now.

6:43 p.m.
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