kicking ass, maybe taking names for later


A few years back, I think I was about 12 or 13, there was a hummingbirds nest in the eucalyptis tree in front of my neighbors house. I was sitting on the front porch doing pretty much nothing when I saw a hummingbird in the lavendar in my front yard, and I watched it fly back to it's nest. Have you ever seen a hummingbird sit still? You almost don't see it, let alone recognize it. I could see two of them by the nest and spent a good hour or so watching them with my dads binoculars. That winter there was a huge storm and the tree was blown over, right into my neighbors front window. I remember being a little sympathetic towards them, but my main concern was for the nest. There was no way of knowing what had happened to it, if the eggs had already hatched or anything. After Matt leaves for work in the morning, I lie in bed and look out the window. Recently, I noticed a hummingbird sitting in on a branch not too far away. I wonder where its nest is.
3:42 p.m.
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