kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

been a long time coming

Been a long time since I last wrote, it feels a little strange to be writing again. To summarize-I'm home, have been staying with Matt 90 percent of the time, which my parents are a little miffed about, but that's all right. Tip-if you just don't call them or answer their calls for three or four days straight, they cease to be annoyed and get a little worried, and are therefore grateful that you're still alive, and will lecture you minimally. Good times. I've been haveing a good break. I love that college gives you a month off, and you don't come back to exams. It's going to be hard to go back and be in the school routine again. Over the weekend was the first time in a couple weeks that I was up before 11. I failed to accomplish a few things I should have over break, like getting my wisdom teeth pulled, and getting a hearing test, and I have yet to fill out the updating FAFSA thing. Oh well, I'll be able to do the last when I go home tomorrow. Very sad, becasue I've just spent so much time with Matt, I have to be home the rest of the time, after tonight. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep without some one else there, though I suppose it's good that I get used to that before I leave. School starts the day after I get back. Thank god my first class isn't till 1.

Not much else to say, I suppose. Macklin might be in Seattle next year after all, despite the fact that he never applied to Cornish. He's applying to UW this year, for romance languages (he speaks Frenck fluently) and literature. So it's a good thing he's not going to Cornish, as he doesn't really want to continue acting. It'll be nice to see him every now and then, butI'm glad that he'll most likely be living in the dorms and therefore not with me. I dunno if I could live with him all the time. I have an interesting living situation coming up. Or rather, I'm going to need to think about what to do about it soon. I'm going back to the Bay Area over the summer, leaving Tabitha there on her own. The choices there are to either keep mailing her my half of rent every month, or subletting my half. I don;t know about that, because it would have to be some one Tabitha knew and wanted to share a room with, as well as some one we could trust to pay on time, and I could trust not to go through the stuff I leave up there. So I don't think that's an option. However-Tabitha might be moving back to the Bay Area permanently after the summer. If she decides that, I think I'll tell her it makes more sense to move at the beginning, so that I can find a new apartment, or new roomate. What would be good in that case is if there were a room in Anne Marie's building open. A little more expensive, but closer to school, and it would be nice to have my own room. In which case, should I stay in Seattle over the summer, to look for a place? There's a lot of stuff I can't bring down with me (my bed, desk, file cabinet etc. Basically all I can bring is clothes and books) and it would cost a lot to store all that. Makes more sense to just stay with it, yesh? And then I'd get a job up there, so I wouldn't have to just work for the summer, in general that would solve a lot of little things like that. But I want to stay here this summer. I love the Bay Area, I want to live with Matt, but I don't know if that'll be entirely feasible. I don't know. We shall see. I just don't like not knowing, not having a good picture of what's going to happen, what I should prepare for. Anyway, I think I've used this space to bounce off enough ideas, I'm going to go now.

11:25 a.m.
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