kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Who's up for a nice steaming cup of bias?

Pardon me while I rant. Karen is going to drive me fucking insane. Not the nice dancer Karen in english who gave me chocolate. Evil teacher Karen who does not grade as she purports to and imposes her style on you. She paints in washes, i.e. light, watery coats, one on top of the other. If we don't paint like that, she tells us we're doing it wrong. The model is due tomorrow. I am so close to being done, but I have to add masking (stuff that covers backstage so the audience can't see the actors before they're supposed to). It's rather hard to add that as we have no model of the theatre to put the masking in (quite a lot of it will hang from the balcony). So I asked her about it when she was in there tonight, and she gave a very vague answer. It wasn't really an answer at all. Dante and Clark didn't understand it either. It's just a frustrating class because we don't quite know what's expected of us and she grades us down for things we didn't know about. Like having words in a collage. How was I supposed to know that in her opinion, words weaken the impact of the images in a collage? I'm willing to accept that restriction, but it would have been really nice to know about before I glued everthing down, including a grand total of 4 words that I thought were very aplicable to the play. And before I got lowered a full grade for it. Oh well. So goes life I guess. I'm just tired of working on this model, and I'm going to be here for far too long tonight as well. Ick ick ick. Have a headache already. Okay, going to end my bitching entry now. Cheerfulness tomorrow, when the portfolio review is over and done with and I only have friday to live through till I go home.
5:18 p.m.
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