kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Raining, but still a decent day

Ha ha. Yay me. Two papers in about half and hour. And they ain't bad, either. Two more, but I can't think how to write them. Only a page each, they shouldn't be blocking me, but they are for the moment, so I'm writing here in hopes that the topics will stew in the back of my mind and I'll be able to produce brilliant specimens of articulale work. Right. One is a response to the movie on Salvadore Dali that we watched a week ago or something. The other is exanding on a freewrite. Every monday we write in stream of conciousness for five to fifteen minutes, just whatever pops into our heads. We have to take a sentence, or idea from one of them and expand on it, explain it. I can't find on that I want to use, it's turning out harder than I thought. Thinking about making up a sentence, something that I could pretend was in a freewrite and expand on it for a page. Might do that. I actually have third paper as well, but it's not due till friday, and it's a self evaluation, so I think I'll put it off till later.

Yesterday was Matt and my 6 month anniversary. It's funny, that's a really long time, as well as really short. Dante was kind of surprised that it wasn't longer, I wonder why. I should've asked her. We both forgot. I remembered around one and called him. Kind of funny how that happened. Kind of sad that of the past 4 months we've only been together for one anniversary. It's all right, though. We've still gotten to talk to each other those days, and every other day, pretty much.

I have glue on my fingers that won't come off. Glued my model together today, I'm so close to being finished, going to finish it tomorrow night, as it's due thursday morning at ten. Thursday morning is also a porfolio review. We have to lay out most of our work and all the teachers in the department are going to wander through and comment. I hate that type of thing. You always feel so put on the spot and awkward. Then friday morning we present our science projects to the entire department. I'm not sure which I find scarier. But as of about 2 30 friday, I'm DONE. Finis. Exuent. Then Jill and I are going to watch Pulp Fiction (which she saw when it first came out and doesn't remember, so she doesn't get all the little references I make to it). Then I make sure I packed everything I'll need for a month, and I go HOME. So happy about that. Alrighty, I'm going to go now, see if I can get some food, and write more.

1:31 p.m.
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