kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

slip on a trinket, slap a wash bucket and ride an escalator.

The space needle (which already looks a tad absurd, like a spaceship impaled itself on the Eiffel Tower) has a christmas tree atop it. Not quite though. Perhaps if it were a christmas tree, I wouldn't have friends fairly serious about going to REI to get climbing gear to take it down (not that they don't want to climb the space needle in the first place, this is just added incentive). This psuedo tree is just lights strung in a christmas tree like form. Very strange. A bit disturbing as well.

Last night as Jill and I were driving en route from Home Creepo to Dante's house, we passed the Lusty Lady, one of the strip clubs along 1st st, by the water. It had the usual seasonal-oriented advertizements - "Jingle Belles" and "We're naughty if you're nice", but under that in smaller print it said "Have and erotic day :)" Yeah, we could all use some more eroticism in our lives. Also, Tabitha just told me that she saw a billboard recently that was advertizing for a bar, and said "Stop by on this night, sit on Santa's lap and find out if you're naughty or nice" Isn't it nice to see veryone getting into the christmas spirit?

The cat next door just stared at me for the longest time. It might have something to do with the fact that I just opened the window and talked to it for a minute. I miss my cat.

Tabitha's feeling a lot better, she went out today, came back with rasberries for me. I have an awesome roommate.

I talked to Tenaya today, happy times. I miss her. She's awesome. I get to see her in a few weeks, very glad about that. It was good talking to her again, got all caught up. Her school (Sarah Lawrence has a lot more writing than mine, and they have actual finals. I'm glad I go to my school. It also doesn't snow here. So yes. Those are the highlights of the day now. I go to accomplish things now. Onward.

12:51 p.m.
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