kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

"Bring up dimmers 47-52 at 65, and take 12 out"

Oh my god. In my research, I came across something almost too good to be true. It's also something I shouldn't be that excited about. I was researching the Seattle Opera house, because it's in a temporary space right now, an old hockey stadium. You'd expect a place like that to have the crappiest accoustics ever, right? But apparently they're really good, so I was seeing if I could find anything on that, why is it that they're so good despite what common sense says. So I was looking around and stumbled on the fact that Jennifer Tipton is going to be designing lights in the 2003-4 season. I doubt many other people would regard this as such phenomenal news, but I certainly do. She's an amazing lighting designer, and some one I'd love to be like. She never gets really flustered or overwhelmed, is always calm and composed, and gets it done without a fuss. I admire her immensely, so the fact that she'll be here is unutterably wonderful. I'd really like to meet her at some point. Hehehe! I sound like some little idiot fan "oh Ms. Tipton, can I get your autograph?" but I can't help it. Rosco named a gel after her - Tipton blue. Now I'm excited. That and the fact that the computer shut down without my having saved the work I was doing on microsoft word, but this wonderful machine saved it somehow. Good times. My mood is improving immeasurably.
1:09 p.m.
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