kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Sometimes I want gold stars. Other times, a buss pass is enough.

I'm tired. I suck at soldering. I can do it adequetly, but it lacks something in quality that others have. I dunno. It could have something to do with the fact that I'm tired. Didn't get everything done that I wanted today. Not for lack of trying, though. Things just take longer than you think, and then all of a sudden it's 10 20, and you realize that it might be a good idea to go home, get some form of sleep before dying (pardon me, DYEing) tomorrow morning. It should be pretty fun, and class with Ron is always entertaining, but it's at the costume shop, so I have to leave half an hour before I usually do. Nice walk through, get to go through the park. Maybe I'll go early so I can visit St. Josephs, beautiful Catholic church on the way. Got to go really early then, there's a school right next to it, want to avoid the swarms of underage school children. When Matt and I went there, we could see another big church like building not too far away, that we sort of wanted to visit. I accidentally drove by it today, turns out it's another school. Holy Names Academy. Huge huge beautiful building, wish I'd been able to go to a school like that. Except for the religious part.

I burned myself withthe soldering iron today. Can't get my ring back on, so I've been wearing it on my other hand. Ironically, I have Bjork's "Isobel" stuck in my head as well. Funny how that happens.

Oh, also I'm putting out a call for funny sounding words. The list so far is spork, turtle, puddle, hiccup, and zipper. Zipper is borderline, but I think it works. So yeah, I want funny words. Ooh, percolate. Hmmmm. Think I might add that as well. Defenistrate is only good for the meaning, really, otherwise I'd add it. Anyway, send me other suggestions. Shorter words tend to be funnier, but not always. Good times. Anyway, it's late, I'm tired, going to go sleep and hope that it's warm when I wake up.

10:53 p.m.
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