kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Try to sleep, dream my way back to you again

Strange and wonderful things are happening in the land of Thea. I really don't understand it. This morning I walked to school listening to Tabitha's Beatle's CD, several cars stopped to let me cross. It was a nice walk. In scenic fundamentals, we were going over different tools and such, and we all got to use the table saw to cut a piece of foam. I went last and after I cut the foam, he handed me a 1x3 to rip down to an inch. Felt a bit special about that, no one else got to, and I'm not sure if he knows the extent of my familiarity with woodworking tools. It pays to have a dad who's a carpenter. I'm sure other people in the class have used a table saw just as much as I have, though, so why me? Maybe because I went last? I dunno, but I enjoyed it. And then I got every single question right on the quiz, very pleased with myself.

As soon as class was over, Jill and I raced to the performance production office to see the production assignments for next semester. She's master electrician for the studio show, The Saint Plays (which I think SOTA did last year, but I might be wrong. If I'm right, they're interesting plays, a bit strange, but good) And I (drum roll please) am co-master electrician and light board op with Beth for the opera! We're both so happy about that, I think we'll be able to work pretty well together, and I know I couldn't do that big of a project on my own, don't think I'm ready for that. The only other person to get an assignment was one of the Jenny's. She's assistant stage manager for the opera. I was extremely surprised that Dante didn't get anything. I'd have expected her to get it before me, it's strange. She thinks that there's more to come that hasn't been posted yet. I doubt it, but I kind of hope she's right. Cubby really wanted to stage manage, didn't get anything. I feel kind of bad, but I'm really glad that I did get it. But only 4 of us did, that's not quite fair. But then, there wasn't work for more, and we will all have this on top of the rest of our work, and supposedly second semester freshman year is the one that kicks your ass. We'll see. I'm looking forward to it.

In other notes-I found something very funny, but I may be assuming for part of it. A once-friendly aquaintance of mine heard about me getting hit, said it was karma (you'll note I said ONCE friendly. Not any more, obviously). Aside from the fact that karma doesn't work that way, I think that might indicate that she reads my journal (perhaps she heard form Ruby or Mara, but I kind of doubt that, I think she read it from me). I thought it amusing that though it is "pathetic, obsessive and dull" of me to read her journal, she still reads mine. I may be asuming on this point, but I think it's safe to do so. Read and enjoy, Claire, I have no objections. Hell, you can even post obnoxious things in my guestbook, if you feel so inclined. Just as long as you know that I got hit through my own stupidity, not an act of god. If it was a punishment, why is everything else in my life so good? Why am I almost completely healed? Life is certainly strange and wonderful right now.

Matt's coming up on friday, so happy about that. I miss him so much sometimes. I love that I get to talk to him first thing in the morning, always starts the day off happily, no matter how it may turn out. After he's here this weekend, it's only two weeks till I see him after that, for thanksgiving, ten whole days, and then only two weeks after that till christmas break. The semester's gone really fast, much faster than high school. I'm glad, I finally like school. And I have Matt. Okay, I'm off to go grin like an idiot and do some more research.

1:50 p.m.
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