kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Toyota ran over the energizer bunny, yay

Busy. Thursday (wow, it's so hard to think back to then) turned in my drafting, yay, so happy I'm done with that, then we had costume lab, happy to say that I was very good, stayed focused and worked the entire time, although I can't compete with Jill, who kept a smile on her face the entire time. I had ridden Ruby's bike to school, which went fine, except she has the rams' horn handlebars, which meant putting a lot of weight on my shoulder, so Jill and I worked for 20 minutes and managed to stuff the bike into her trunk and backseat. It was awesome, we had so much fun doing it. We dropped it off at my apartment (it was much easier to get out than it was to stuff it in, like other things, hehehe) and that evening we went to the light focus, which was fantastic. I got to drive the egnie lift for a while, great fun. My shoulder's still messed up, so I couldn't hang any lights, couldn't lift them high enough, but I could still focus, and focus I did. Not as good at it as Jill is, I can direct focusing better, but it was very nice to be back in the air working with lights. Afterwards, we were both really hungry, so we got Jack in the Box and ate in the drafting room parking lot. Life was good right at that moment. I'm glad I'm friends with her. I know I've skipped around a bit, first Beth, then Dante and now Jill, saying each time that they rock and I'm really glad I know them and all. I almost feel a bit bad for not staying more loyal, or something, but hey. Beth I still really like and I like talking to her about tech, but she's a little too sociable for me, I've found, and she's very hard on herself. Dante is a very powerful person. She's got a good sense of humor and I like hanging out with her, but she tends to brag about what she can and has done, got old a while ago. Also, she has not yet managed to deliver on these things really. Who knows. When Original Works happens, we'll be able to really see what she can do. I hope she is as good as she says, it'll make the talk easier to listen to.

Friday I don't remember. Oh! Wait, I do, just took me a second. So in the morning I went and talked to the school counselor, that was good. I'm going to talk to her again this friday, than the friday after that. Good times. Matt emailed me asking if I could check the used book store, see if they had one of Freud's out of print books for him, so I went over there, found two copies of it, got three books for myself, then headed to H&S. Class was okay. Would have been better if we had kept talking instead of watching the Nijinsky video. IT was a little too avant garde for me, a little over my head. I feel a little bad that most of it was hard for me to appreciate, but I think you have to have a certain mentality to appreciate it. Nijinsky was a brilliantly good dancer who went insane, spent a good portion of his life up to the end in a mental hospital. The video was some one reading selections of what he whote in the institute, which was interesting and fine. The part I didn't appreciate was the videography. It was a montage of various images, scenes, most were not really germane to the words. I don't know, maybe I just don't appreciate art. Oh well.

It was really cold friday, somewhere in the mid forties I think. 4 layers, scarf and gloves and I was still cold. When I went into the student center after class I ran into Jill, and we decided to go on an adventure. We ended up in the U district (University of Washington area) looking for food. Which we found, had a good long conversation about hearing and knees and who knows what else, and then we went to the UW bookstore and found lots of cheap books, they were having a huge sale. Didn't buy anything, but I was tempted by a few things. Went home, talked to Matt till midnight, then slept.

Saturday sucked. Not completely. Actually, it wasn't that bad, just long and boring. I woke up, ate, then walked to the costume shop, took a different route that turned out very nice, and then proceeded to sew for 7 hours. It was awful. It was supposed to be 8, but when we took a quick break near the end, and Christine saw me lying on the floor looking pathetic, she took pity on us and let us go early. I went home, and pretended to sleep until my mother called me, then Matt, and I ended up being up till midnight again. Thank god foe daylight savings. Man oh man I needed that extra hour of sleep. We didn't have to be in lab till noon, so I really got to sleep in. It was lovely. I had a slow walk over to the costume shop again, and only had to work for 3.5 hours. It was womderful. I got to use the serger for most of that time, too. We ran out of things to do so fast, it was lovely. We messed around the rest of the afternoon, evening, and Jill ended up coming over for a bit, she and Tabitha get along better now, but it's still a little alarming to have the two of them in the same room.

Which brings me to today. Good day so far. I'm very tired, and I'm not sure why. Oh, chist. Last night after ten, don't know exactly when, Alex called. It was very funny. So random for him to be calling. I really wish I could have a more of a sense of humor towards him, but I really can't. For some reason, he just makes me so angry. So I kicked Tabitha out of the room while she talked to him so I could sleep. Woke up at five to her alarm, stayed awake, halfway, till my alarm went off. I just got hit by a surge of tiredness, so I'm going to go now, curl up on the couches or something. Also this entry is far too long, so I'll try to write about the route my walk took me on and stuff later. Oh, Work study went through, I now have keys to the booth, going to start working there very soon, when I talk to Roberta about where I should start. Alrighty, going now, hope this entry wasn't too long and was somewhat amusing.

1:57 p.m.
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