kicking ass, maybe taking names for later


Today was a good day. Lot's of packages delivered to me, all from Matt. Helps me to not miss him as much. The ibuprofen that he sent for Bev was waiting in the mailbox, and not much later, UPS delivered my memory box, aloong with a truckload of other stuff Mtt had packed in there. Peanut butter and spices from my parents (Tabitha was delighted over the spices, she's been wanting a spice rack since we moved in) cookies from the Cookie Warehouse, where his dad works, Alice in Wonderland (which he borrowed this summer) and what else...a ton of packing noodles. I managed not to get them all over the place, I think that counts as a pretty major acomplishment. I was glad that I had decided to skip english.

My morning was good, I had a meeting with Christine, for costume shop. It went pretty well, though she mentioned that I seemed to be fading a bit, slacking off, and I apologized, explained that it was partially because it was a 4 hour class, and that last hour was a little too long, but I was fine for the first three. Costumes are not my thing. I'm enjoying learning all the sewing stuff, but as it's not something I'm that interested in it, I can only fully focus on it for a bit. But she said that I was one of their favorite people in costume shop, I was very flattered. So I'm going to really try to keep working the whole time and stay focused on whatever I'm doing.

I spent the rest of the day drafting. I'm almost done. All I need is the notes, which I'm going to write out elsewhere as soon as I'm done here, and the title block. Wow, I'm so relieved to be done with this project. We worked on it for three weeks straight, putting in a lot of time out of class. But mine is pretty good, I think. I'm pretty happy with it. I think it was worth all the time and effort.

At about 3 ish I started feeling generally icky, so I decided to not face the opinions in english, and instead went home to do laundry and amuse Tabitha. She got home after a long boring day at work, badly in need of entertainment. We almost went to see a movie, but realized we wouldn't be back in time for Dawson's Creek. Musn't forget the important things, now. (everyone felt the sarcasm there, right? good) So instead we finished watching Pulp Fiction, I was able to watch for things more carefully this time around, caught more little details. Still can't see what book John Travolta's reading when he gets shot. I don't know why, but I really want to know. Oh well.

So that was my day, don't think I have any deep meaningful things to add, so I'll go now.

7:42 p.m.
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