kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Yeah, who's laughing now? I know I'm not

Why do we always fuck up the best thing we have going? I don't know, maybe I'm just being really stupid and over-reacting, but I still feel bad. Should I? You judge. My previous entry was, in part, about me not voting, or rather, having not yet registered to vote. I began by purposefully saying that I didn't want Bev to find out. She's rather militant about that. Tonight, Matt was over there and they were talking about political stuff. Molly's version is that he brought me into the conversation, which led to Bev asking if I was going to vote. No one lies to Bev, I understand this. So she called me to lecture about why I was not fulfilling my duty as a citizen. I feel a bit betrayed. I trusted him not to tell, and he did. Who knows. I think I over reacted by calling him an asshole and saying I wasn't speaking to him tonight. When I hung up, we were both being cool and stubborn. Immeadiatly I felt like shit. Why did I have to over react and make accusations and name call, rather than talking about it? Christ I'm a bitch. Sent an email apologizing, also left a message saying I was sorry and to call me. But am I overreacting in the other diirection now? I don't know. All I know is that I really don't want him to be angry at me, I want to talk to him, and I feel like crap. And maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I have a right to be a bit pissed. But who knows. I can't see the forest for the trees, so I'm going to go now, and try to call him again.
9:30 p.m.
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