kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I'm useless, but not for long, the future is coming on

Don't you hate it when you're angry but shouldn't be? I tend to get hurt easily, but not show it. Which is what I'll do this time as always. Except that this is probably something that needs to be dealt with at some point. I'm hoping that evenually I'll get over it and it will stop being an issue. I apologize for being so cryptic here, but if I go into detail, that kind of blows the idea of ignoring it and not saying anything, doesn't it? I'll only mention it here this once. I'm done talking about it for now, so I'll move on to other things.

I got m bike back this morning. I don't think it's really fixable. I don't know, maybe parts of it can be saved, we'll see. Maybe Jill can do something for it. I hate that, though. I really liked that bike, was a good weight, 7 speeds which worked perfectly for me, and we got along well. Mercutio Tucker Barnsworth. I didn't have him very long, either. Very sad about that.

I feel so self indulgent and lazy these days, not doing anything, sleeping till noon. Everyone keeps telling me "It's okay, you got hit by a car, take it easy" but I just feel like I'm slacking and taking advantage of it. I could walk enough to get to the bus stop and go to the drafting room and work on finishing my ground plan (due thursday) but I don't really want to, so I hide behind the excuse that I don't want to hurt my knee more. So while I'm at home I could be doing something worthwhile with my time like laundry, but that I really can't do because I can't fucking carry anything. I hate this. Oh well. So I think I'll take a shower, then go back to bed and read Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum, good book so far. Then later in the evening Tabitha and I will huddle around the laptop and watch Pulp Fiction. That movie now has sentimental value to me, so I wanted to watch it again. Good movie as well. When I woke up at the ridiculous hour of 11 30, I watched You've Got Mail, which actually was more clever than I'd remembered it. There are a few of those things that you know wouldn't happen, but overall it was a decent feel-good movie. Last night was Dangerous Liasons (are you all starting to get what I mean when I say I feel lazy and self indulgent?), very good movie that Cruel Intentions completely ripped off. "Like most intellectuals, he's exceedingly stupid." I think that was my favorite quote of the movie. And with the exception of Keanu Reeves, I thought it was very well cast. Personally, Mr. Reeves is one of the worst actors out there. Speed and The Matrix are the only movies he may have contributed to in a good way, and it's been so long since I've seen either that I could be mistaken. It really was a travesty having him in Dangerous Liasons. Oh well. I think they made up for it by casting some one named Swoosie. I shit you not. Third person in the credits, I believe. I forget the last name, but some one actually named their poor child Swoosie. That made my night.

Matt packed up my memory box last night, I'll be getting it sometime soon, yay. Very happy about that. I have a few things to put in it, and I want to refer to a lot of things. Good times.

Can't think of anything else to comment upon at the moment, so I'll take my leave. Hope everyone else is having a more productive day than I am.

2:20 p.m.
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