kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

fall down go boom

Apologies for my lack of writing recently. I was ... ummmm... laid up a bit. Yeah. Wednesday morning I decided it was a really good idea to not wait until I had right of way, but to just cross the street when it looked clear, despite the lovely little red hand staring at me. I recommend that every one else avoid following in my tracks, my meeting with the bumber of an SUV was not a pleasant one. I didn't even get sirens onthe way to the hospital. Actually, I was really lucky, I didn't break anything, not even my knee, though that's what took most of the force. My left shoulder is not in the greatest shape, either. I should be taking the hydrocodone they sent me home with, but it just makes me reallynauseous and doesn't take much of the pain away. I need to go back to the hospital and see phsical therapist, make sure no ligaments are torn or out of place or anything. Mainly, I just feel stupid. I hate being hurt and unable to do things for myself. And i really wish Matt were up herre to take care of me. But that's all right. I'm managing fine with Tabitha to help me. So that's my news. Yay me. I can't wait till I dn't fell like shit. Going to go now, very tired, but I'll write mre later, and let's all pray that it will be interesting non-complaining and entertaining for all.
1:39 p.m.
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