kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Was that a flying squirrel reflected in your eye?

"We were singing, my, my, this here Anakin guy. May be Vader someday later, but right now he's small fry. Left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, saying sonn I'm gonna be a Jedi, soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Jill has a truckload of Wierd Al Yankovitch CD's that we listened to a bit last night. That and the Little Mermaid soundtrack. And 10 things I hate about you. Good times. We were in there drafting for quite a while. I'm having some trouble with this ground plan. I don't know why, it's just been really slow going. It looks pretty good, though, and I'm not behind at all, so I guess it's all right. We made blueprints today, to see if we had the line weight right. It smells SO bad, made most people sick. I wasn't, but then, I held my breath a bit and wasn't in the room all that much. Today was a good day, other than having to deal with gathering stuff in costume lab. For some reason that stuff never works for me. I can do everything else fairly well, but not that. I'm going to make Matt a charcoal grey suit, but for the shirt sleeves, the gathering by the cuff, I do believe I'll ask some one else to do that.

Yesterday was good as well. We had a knot and metal quiz in scene shop, did pretty well and I got to weld, fun. I'm getting better at it, can see through the mask better now. Got out early from that because I finished early. Intro was intro. We did textural collages (i.e. have different textures together, different objects, not pictures) spray painted them white or grey to neutralize them, and did charcoal rubbings of them. Good class, and it actually went the whole 2 hours, wonder of all wonders. We're going on a field trip tomorrow, yay. And english was really good. It's starting to be less of people's opinions and more of people making points. It's very nice. On friday, we're going to go to the EMP (experience music project) that should be very cool, lot's o' fun. In costume shop today, Clark and Anne Marie (two Oregonians) decided to start making fun of Californians. I pointed out that Oregon is really kind of a nothing state (like Canada, only a state, not a country, and no French). Aside from the Shakespeare festival, it's not really known for anything. How many Californians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Hella. Are you laughing? I was mildly amused. I think my lip may have twitched.

I still have Matt's scarf. He was foolish enough to bring it up here, so I slyly kidnapped it and made the arguments of 1)it's a lot colder here than Berkeley and 2) he has stuff of mine at his house, I have nothing of his. He let me keep it, but says he's going to take it back when he's up here again in a month. Ha! That's what he thinks. If I get yarn for her, Jenny Prendergast will make me one, though, so I might not need his any more. It's really nice and warm, makes a big difference.

I miss Matt already. I like it when he's up here. I only had him for three days this time, so sad. But hey, it was time. Better than nothing. And I'm going to be pretty darn busy over the next few weeks, so I hope I won't have too much time to miss him. Thing is, it's not that much of a problem during the day. It's when I'm trying to go to sleep. I go to bed right after I hang up with him, so it's like 'I just talked to you, why aren't you next to me?' I sleep better with him. I'll shut up now.

The point is, I had a good weekend, my week so far is decent to good, and I'm going to go read now.

6:13 p.m.
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