kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids

"The tire swing undulated in the shade of the old oak tree like and upside-down lollipop on a pendulum, while three little boys, tanned from their summer frolicking, clung to the swing like flies trapped on an open-faced honey sandwich."

"She was like the driven snow beneath the galoshes of my lust."

"My bank account was emptier than a housefly's bladder that monday morning."

"Once there was a little boy--just like you--named Jeff, and he lives in a yellow house with a big yard, along with his mother and father and sister and brother and his bunny rabbit (until it got loose and Mr. Koberly's dog ate it) and his goldfish and his puppy, Squitters, that ran in front of a car just a few weeks after Jeff's mom had to go to the hospital for an operation (only the operation didn't work very well)."

"Her beasts rose like twin Fujiyamas, the silk of her blouse forming miniature ski runs in their folds, causing me to consider taking up cross-country skiing with a vengeance."

Aren't those awful sentences? The seminar I went to was writing basics, which actually was decent. It was too much of an overview, though. I'd like to have been able to focus more on fewer things, but oh well. We started out with those, though. They're from this contest, of who can write the worst opening sentence to a novel. I was highly amused and thought I should share them with the world. Also, having been able to see a couple movies in the fairly recent past, there's the best pre-commercial thing these days. It may just be in the Pacific Northwest, but i was in a Loews theatre, so it might not be. Anyway-it's a video thing of these people in a movie theatre, happy music playing and all, and this guy's cell phone rings. He answers it, and a second later is catapulted at the screen, hits it and slides down. "Cell phone ejection seats coming soon to a theatre near you" It's awesome, that's the best anti-cell phone thing I've ever seen. It almost makes sitting through a movie like Swimfan worth it. Anyway, moving on...

"You have elevated yourself above the masses" "Yeah, well, I'm a techie, it's my job"

That's from a conversation I had with Jill a while ago. I really like her. She gives me rides home a lot, I have greatly amusing conversations with her, and she shares my pain in costume shop. It's funny, she kind of reminds me of Andrew. Like she'll do something, and something about it that I really can't put my finger on just clicks and I feel like I'm in Mel's again. I miss Andy. I called Matt tonight to tell him that a certain section of the monorail looked exactly like Bart, and Andy was over and I heard him laugh in the background and realized how much I missed him. Oh well. I'll be home for thanksgiving, I'll visit everyone then.

I just got home from seeing Scapin with Jill and Anne Marie and Dante. It was really really good. Turns out that it was a remount of the production Dante ran lights for a couple years ago, so she was really excited about that, kept reminiscing, and telling us stories. It's commedia del'arte, so it's a bit wierd to adjust to at first, but it was really funny. I'm going to write my play evaluation on it, I think. Except the evaluation is supposed to be in relation to the set, like how did the set work or not work with the script, how were colors and textures used, did they fit with the other tech aspects etc etc. How do I write 4 pages on that? It's double spaced, though, so that'll be pretty easy. It can be longer if we talk about costumes. It's strange, I could say a lot about costumes for this show. This is the first where I've been able to notice color patterns and why the designer made certain choices and all. I was very proud of myself. It was actually very interesting. Aside from the whole have to be able to sketch people and clothes aspect, I might want to design costumes sometime. Not permanently, but maybe just a show or two. It would be fun.

We all felt bad, we had just come pretty much straight from school, so we were a tad under-dressed for it. Oh well, I can make up for it next friday, when I take Matt to see it. Good times, I'm looking forward to it.

Alrighty, It's really late, I have to get up early, and I have a headache, so I'll go now. Have a lovely day all.

12:11 a.m.
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