kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

short inconsequential mutterings

Hello everybody! Not much to say, about to go grocery shopping, then possibly maybe if I can, do my drafting. If not today, then tomorrow. I finished all my other homework, so I have that free. All is well, if a litle slow. Went to bed fairly early, slept about a third of the time I was there. Yep, welcome back, insomnia! Wish I had a drafting table at home, it would be so useful. Not sleeping actually gives me an edge on everyone else, I have more hours in the day. And anyone who's read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Dreams knows that I stole that statement from it. It's very true, though. So yes. Not much else to say.

The other night when I was talking to Matt, I was telling him all about how much I hated high school, and how badly I did, mainly from not caring, and when I paused, he said "Have I mentioned lately that I'm crazily in love with youk and think you're wonderful?" I was speechless for a second. I had just told him about a failure of mine, and that's what he said. If, for some strange unimaginable, incomprehensible and unfeasible reason I didn't love him for anything else, I'd love him for that. I've been trying to not mention him as much here, out of respect for those reading this that are more interested in the other aspects of my life, but every now and then I have to write something about him. It's now only 4 days and 6 hours till I see him again. Can't wait. Hmmm.

Alrighty, I'm going, time's almost up, and I need to do food shopping. I go now to the overstocked, and thankfully occassionally underpriced, aisles of Safeway.

12:51 p.m.
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