kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

lap poodles

Today is a good day. While I was waiting for the bus, a lady drove by with her poodle on her lap. You know how sometimes parents have kids sit on their lap and pretend they're driving? That's what it reminded me of. Then when I got off the bus at the UW bookstore, there was this girl rocking out to her headphones, good dancer. I love random things like that. So now I have my scale rule (architectural, finally. I accidentally got metric before) and extra lead and my new bible. The Backstage Handbook. The most useful text a theatre technician can own, very happy I got it. I got the same bus driver on the way back, that was strange. It's happened to me a couple of times before, and it's a little surreal every time. That was my morning.

Clark stood me up for fencing again. Grrrr. Oh well. I got a very good workout last night. Stretched out and did crunches for a while, the had a nice long date with the lunging pad (for the non fencing inclined, basically target practice), then crashed the beginning class, got to work on technique, then had my actual class. It was small today, only five of us, so I got a lesson. Very very very different from Harold and Sophie. Going to be interesting to get used to. I scheduled a private lesson with one of the coaches, need to remember to reschedule it for tuesday. I think I won most of my bouts, can't remember, and also for a few of them we didn't really keep track. It was fun, though, nice well paced evening. It was raining when I rode down though, that was scary. Really steep, really slippery, and I had to keep closing my eyes because of the rain. Not good. Fortunately it had stopped by the time I left. Didn't get home till a little after 11. Oh, Molly's back with Chris. He decided he couldn't live without her. What happened her decision? Christ, he cheated on her 4 times!! I was willing to be nice and patient and sympathetic during the grieving stage, but not anymore. She's just asking to be hurt and lied to. Makes me sick. Oh well. Not my life.

I know I had more to write about, but I can't think of it. I suppose I'll just have to add an entry later, then, yes? An hour and a half before humanities. We get the essay about the mission statement back today, looking forward to what she has to say about what I wrote. Then we're getting together with other classes and discussing something or other. I think I was supposed to read something for that. She handed us two sheets, though. one for tday, one for monday. Not sure which is which, guess I'll just read them both.

Oh, have my first battle would from Cornish. I burned myself with the iron. Thank god it wasn't a steam burn. We learned how to put in zippers and darts yesterday (darts are anything that pulls in fabric, sort of. Like on girls shirts, they usually have darts on the sides of the chest). Then I got to use the serger again. Yay serging. I don't know why, but I love those things. Did I sign out? Can't remember. Don't think I did, actually. Oh well. Let's see, anything else of interest to the general population... don't think so...alrighty. I go then. Read my two papers, start learning the Backstage Handbook. Good times. Hope every one has a lovely day.

11:47 a.m.
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