kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Mercutio Tucker Barnswold

I was rather tired last night. After I hung up with Matt, I went and watched TV with Tabitha. I generally am able to avoid the evil talking box, but every now and then I succumb. After about 45 minutes of it, a mastercard commercial came on, at the end of which, the little girl dipped her Barbie into the cheerios. For some strange reason which is yet unfathomable to me, this was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. I ended up huddled on the floor, laughing hysterically, while Tabitha proclaimed that I must just be a figment of her imagination, and that I wasn't really there. That was when I decided I needed to go to sleep. Didn't fall asleep for a while, and when I did, I had a series of very vivid detailed dreams, of which I remember nothing. It was a very strange night. Aside from that, my weekend was really uneventful.

This mornign in scenic fundamentals, we did knot tying. Good stuff. Clay and Manu taught me well, I knew most of the knots that Greg was teaching. Clark is the knot master, though. He knows all sorts of decorative stuff. Class ended early and we ended up riding back together, as his apartment is on the way to school and I was coming here. His bike's name is Betsy. I approve. I finally named mine. Mercutio Tucker Barnswold. Goes by Tucker mostly. Don't laugh at him, he's very sensitive. It's funny, Clark's bikes all have girls names, mine all have guys. My last was Sam, but now I know too many Sams, couldn't name this one Sam II or something. So yeah. Jill might do repairs on him today, she has the tools with her, so that would be good. I worry, Tucker creaks a lot, has some gear trouble, too. Hmmm. I do believe that's all I have to chatter about for now, so I'll go use up the rest of my time till design.

11:16 a.m.
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