kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Audrey Hepburn, hamburgers, and crepes

Yesterday was a pretty good day, but it pales next to the evening. So after my english class (nothing to really say about that) I went back to the drafting room to finish the homework. We have to learn the official drafting writing, which means being back in kindergarten and writing the alphabet over and over and over. The difference being that we now draw our own guide lines. I finished up that part, and started on the section of copying the "All the world's a stage" speech (from "As You Like It" for anyone who was curious) first in my own writing, then imitating another persons. There were about 5 of us in the drafting room, so it was fun. Took probably an hour longer than it would have had I been by myself, but it was highly amusing, so I had no objections. Ann Marie (I haven't mentioned her yet, very shy, focusses on costumes, really nice, beautiful singing voice) was saying she was hungry, and it turns out that Clark (the guy who fences) loves to cook, was thinking of making hamburgers that night. So at about 9 15 (I told you it took a long time, I had started at 5 30. Beth got there just as we were about to leave, though, so we had to stay and wait for her, wouldn't be very nice to leave her by herself) we went over to his apartment (three bedroom, shared by 4 or 5 people) and he cooked for me and Ann Marie. That was one of the best things I've ever tasted. He put all sorts of spices and herbs in it, pink on the inside, wow. It was good. So we hung out there for a while, turns out he LOVES Audrey Hepburn, so we talked about her for a while. For the final sewing project I've decided to make the dress from Sabrina, no, not the "yards of skirt and way off the shoulders" one, the one that's a straight neck in from, V back, with the sort of poufy skirt that comes to about mid-calf. Yay Givenchy. He also has the best library of tech books I've seen in a personal collection. He's thinking about getting a house next year, a three bedroom split between 4 people is do-able. I love Seattle. Imagine renting a house for 1200 a month. That rocks. I think Tabitha and I are going to have to be part of that.

Then this morning I went over there, and he made me crepes. Oh yeah, That was good. They're actually not that hard to make, I got to make a few. So yeah. Currently I am happy and well fed. Clark rocks. So many people here do. Drafting this morning was good, too. Yay hexagons. It was a little harder, but I really like drafting. I'm finding that I can work abstractly like that. I have costume lab this afternoon, 4 hours. It would be a lot better if it were only three, but it's actually not that bad. I even like it. It's half of my class also, so it's a more peaceful time. Yes. Well. I'm going to go now, snag some lunch before I go to that. I'll add the more commentary later. I feel kind of bad because I'm only writing this happened, then I did this, la dee dah, and there's no emotional depth to it, man (I hope the voice carried through on that comment, otherwise I don't think it'll really read). Oh well. I'll add that later when I have more time. I need to start getting up earlier in the morning.

12:07 p.m.
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