kicking ass, maybe taking names for later


I find it interesting that during the making of Sabrina, Humphrey Bogart had nothing but comtempt for Audrey Hepburn. Of course, he didn't like anyone.

Stitch and Bitch was good today. I love this school. I've been here, what, a week? And already learned so much. I can sew now! I never really knew before. I can now fix all of my clothes that need hems, or have a ripped seam or whatever. And drafting, while it's easy, I get to find out all these little easy tricks to do things. It's great. Did you know that theatre and theater has nothing to do with England spelling versus American? It's a matter of personal preference. That rocks. I need to rewrite my scenic fundamentals notes. If I could buy a notebook. Not that I can't afford it, I'm not that broke yet, but it's all in my new bank account, which I'm a little apprehensive to use, as I don't trust that my checks will go through. I don't know why, I'm just a little paranoid about that. So I'm waiting to get and activate my debit card.

I have fencing tonight. Yay. My shoulders are all tense from using sewing machines for 4 hours, though. Want to just go home go to sleep. The thought of the bike ride home is painful. Hmmm. We'll see. I should go, though. I need the practice, and the exercise. Maybe I'll just guilt trip myself into. Not to mention the fact that I really want to go again. That was fun. So yeah. I'm going to go now in the hopes that I'll get a nap in beofe then. I didn't get home from Clarks apartment till about 11 20, then it tool me a while to fall asleep, then woke up at first 6 25 then 7 12. I had a very strange dream, rather disturbing, but of course I can't for the life of me remember it. The shower this morning felt good. Just stood there under hot water, not wanting to move. Usually I take 15, maybe 20 minute showers. Today it was almost half an hour. Horror of all horrors, I was almost late for crepes. Okay, I'm really tired, and I think it's partially because all I've had to eat since the crepes is halloween oreos (orange frosting, rather disconcerting), so I'm going to go home and have real food now. Home. I live here. I'm just starting to adjust to and realize that. I think the turning point of my acceptance was when I realized that no one else was there to drag me out of bed. I'm used to my parents waking me up after my alarm, but now I have to do it myself. I could choose not to, but that would be stupid. I'd sleep half the day, miss my classes, and have nothing to write about here. So I force myself up in the morning. Okay, now I really am going to go, rather than add another random thing that pops into my head. Like how it's really interesting that...No! I'm going now! I mean it! I'll try to get up early enough to go to the cafe before class so I can write all about fencing while it's fresh in my mind. I go now.

5:21 p.m.
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