kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

eclectic ramblings

Warning-this is a long eclectic entry. Do not read if you have an aversion to discursiveness.

Back at the cafe today. I actually can't afford it right now, but I like the atmosphere, and the privacy, so I'm splurging. Wen to a tech meeting thing this morning, got to see what people are working on, how they're going about designing. It was really interesting, I really want to go see the shows now. Before I wasn't too interested but they sound really good now. I'm describe them later. Also, the set designer for one really looked like Bjork about the eyes and nose. So now I have Bjork stuck in my head.

I need to get my bike tuned up. The chain fell off for the second time today. Poor bike. And it still doesn't have a name. Very sad.

The weather's amazingly warm and nice tight now. I've been going around in tank tops, and wonder of all wonders I haven't gotten burned yet. I've even gotten a litle tan. Look at that. Yay me. And it's been really clear, too. From our porch, we can see across Lake Washington, and lately we have this wonderful view of the Cascade mountains. It's beautiful. Nice ting to come home to.

There's this guy Chris in tech, junior. Nice guy, says hi to me. The other day a bunch of techies were sitting in the student center, and somehow the subject of drinks came up, and I, as usual, said that it was all abot Root Beer. He turns to me and says "yes, but what kind?" I was so happy. There really is a difference in brands, and he's the first person, besides Tracy, who I've been able to discuss that with. It was awesome. We mostly agreed, but he likes Dad's, which is definitely on the lower end. But I was happy about that little moment.

We got our first drafting assignment back (the first thing I've had returned to me in my college career) and I got an A on it. Very happy with myself. Dratfing was fun the other day. The teacher (Roberta, she's also my faculty adviser) mentioned that if we wanted music while we were working, that was fine. Her only rules were no showtunes ( we protested, but she pointed out that it's rather difficult to draft if you're acting out Cats), not while she's talking, and if anyone doesn't like it, it gets turned off or changed. None of us had any music or way of playing it, so people were randomly humming, at one point there were about 4 different tunes going. Then some one started up Lean on me, and everyone picked it up. It was great, we're all sitting there, drawing hexagons with only one known measurement, singing Lean On Me. It was a moment. We should be the Theatre Graphics Choir. It would be great. I might trade my desk for a drafting table, but I'm not sure. We'll see. Lily has one and really wants a computer desk. A lot of people in tech really dislike her. I don't, for some reason, but I understand why they do. Beth hated her and finally realized that she didn't hate Lily, just the fact that Lily had not yet accepted that we don't know anything. All the rest of us, though we just came from places where we knew everything, are like "Teach us. We know nothing, and there's so much to learn, when do we start?" But she still continues to be in the "Oh, I know all about this" mode. She's already gotten into disagreeing conversations (not arguments, you see, they're always very polite) with several teachers. They aren't too happy about that. Oh well. We'll see if she's still here next year.

Last night was interesting. I didn't go to fencing. I got home at about 6 30, and just hurt so badly. My shoulders were killing me from bending over the sewing machine, and I just generally felt like crap. So I hung out, ate dinner, started reading the chapter for english and generally amused myself until Matt called. Talked to him for about an hour and a half, that was nice. A little ways into he switched gears and asked "Are you all right?" I was pretty surprised that he asked, but then admitted to myself that something had felt off. I was running on false energy, and as soon as he asked that, I realized it and sort of crashed. LIke all the stress of the day and the week partially hit me. Was glad I was talking to him at the time, otherwise the whole missing him aspect would have really hit and that would have been bad. After I hung up with him I tried to go to sleep, but just couldn't. Tabitha and I were talking back and forth, though, and I kept saying that I was going to go to sleep. Then somehow my little mind was whirring away and I figured out how to do the drafting problem I'd been working on earlier, so I jumped up to write it down before I forgot. Then about half an hour later I had a brilliant inspiration for the paper I'm writing for englich, so I ran back down the ladder to write it up. At that point it was a little after midnight and we both momentarily abandoned the pretention of sleep for a snack. I don't know why I couldn't sleep, I just was not really tired, but at the same time I was. It was all very strange. At about 2, an even better way of doing the drafting thing popped into my head, so I wrote that down. I didn't sleep till about three. And then I dreamed about sandals. That's the only part of the dream I rememeber, it's all very strange. Got up at 8 30 (my alarm first went off at 7 30, though) and amazingly was fine. I'm a little tired now, but I have my caffinated chai tea now, so it's all good. I got to wake Tabitha up this morning. I think I managed to. I'm pretty sure that she didn't just go back to bed after I left. That's so far) the highlight of my morning. I don't know why, but it was. And on normal mornings, my highlight is picking out music for her to wake up to. I'm a strange, strange little person, I know. But hey, Tabitha has no objections to waking up to Weezers Pinkerton album.

I still have a couple hours before class, but I'm going to go now. Save what precious quarters I can. This is ridiculous. I'm out of dollar bills, so I pay for everything in quarters. Of course, the cafe loves it, they can always use quarters. See, I'm making people happy by being nearly broke. It's my good deed. Yes. Well. I'm going to go now, hope everyone has a lovely lovely day.

11:07 a.m.
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