kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

idiot ex boyfriend

THAT'S what I wanted to write about! So last night, both Tabitha and I were ready for bed at about 10 30 or 11, an incredibly early hour. So we were lying there, muttering back and forth when Alex somehoe came up. So at 11 30 we call him. It was very amusing. I cracks me up so much when he tries give relationship advice. He also does this thing that's amusing. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's like he's trying to almost be parental, and pat me on the head about something. Everything that comes out of his mouth is so stiff. "Yes, and I'm very glad you're in a stable relationship now." It's almost impossible to describe. I'm very irritated by it, but it also amuses me.

I don't know how I managed to date him as long as I did. That really was a very torturous period of my life. Somehow, all of my lovely subtle sarcasm that the general population is able to appreciate goes right over his head. I hate hate hate that every time I said something sarcastically that he didn't pick up on right away, or did something amusing or interesting, he just looked confused and said "you're wierd" Wow. I was such an idiot to go out with him. Oh well. It was a learning experience. Junior year I wrote him a fairly long really funny random email, that he had no reaction to. I wasn't even sure he had gotten it. When I asked if he had, the response was yeah. If that had been from anyone else, I would have been like 'whoa, that's a great crazy letter' but from you it's normal, I expect it." Dumbass. That's like saying well, I know that Mahler writes beautiful music, so I really don't need to be impressed by his 5th symphony. If some one ELSE had written it, now THAT would be impressive. As long as I'm on a rant about him, once he sent me an email (another relationship advice thing, ha!) comparing relationships to orchestra gigs. Then, so that I could understand it, he repeated the analogy in terms of tech jobs. How dare he condescend to me?? Nothing pisses me off more than unwarranted condescention, especially when it's from some one who has no fucking right to lecture me on the subject in the first place. I'm still offended by that. Anyway, that's my rant about him and what an idiot rat-bastard he is. There's a lot more to add, but I'll spare my readers of it.

Have intro to design next, looking forward to that, should be good. So yes, I go now, see if I can get lunch before class.

12:20 p.m.
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