kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Juggling!!! and fencing. Good stuff

WHoohooo!!! I'm in a kick ass supercalifragilisticexpialidocious good mood. Hehehe. So, costume shop wasn't too back, got to do lovely mindless work, yay. Then I went home and ate, then to FENCING! It rocked. I fenced 5 bouts in a row. For those of you who don't know- a bout is usually 3 minutes long (but we weren't keeping track last night) and goes to 5 touches. A touch is when you hit the other person with the tip of your weapon (not the side of it) in the target zone. For foil, that's their torso. It doesn't count if you hit them anywhere else. So I did five of those in a row, they were definitely over 3 minutes each, as I was fencing for about 45 minutes. It wa also my first time fencing electric. In standard, it's up to the judges call, what they saw happen. With electric, you still have a judge, but you're tied in to these cables, that attatch to your jacket and weapon. You have to wear lames, metal jacket things, and when the other perosn hits you, a light goes off and a buzzer rings. It's helpful in that if you hit the other guy too fast for the judge to see, you'll still get the point. So yeah. I didn't do too badly, either. I lost three of them, one we didn't really keep track, and one I won. But the ones I lost, I got some good points in, and it was a good match. The lefty I fenced hit me in the pinky, though. That doesn't sound too bad, but it hurt like hell, and it got sort of swollen. Yay for Tabitha and her ibuprofen. Then I rode all the way home (uphill, mostly, no less). Talked to Ruby a bit, she gave me tips for bike riding in Seattle, good times. I got to sleep at about midnight, though, even though I had wanted to go to bed at 10 30. Oh well. Then this morning I slept in a bit (all the way till 7 45, yeah!!) then rode over to the north campus to juggle. That kicked ass. I can almost pass 7, can do a run around steal, got my left and right doubles back, and almost my triples. I know that that was uncomprehensible to all non jugglers, but oh well. It takes too long to explain. Let's just say that in an hour, I learned more great passing and partner patterns than I did in a few weeks in Splash. It was out of control, I love just playing like that. Can't wait to do it again next friday. Hehehe! I had to explain to him the whole story of me and Matt, he was highly amused. It was a good morning. I have an interview at 12 30, hope I can make it to my 1 30 class on time. Need to let the teacher know that I might be a bit late. Hmmm. Yesh. Well. I go now, going to start on my humanities homework, want to get a headstart on that. So I go now, hope my day conitinues on the same happy track. Onward!!
10:03 a.m.
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