kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Kids and graphics

I am currently contaminating the keyboard with graphite. Love my theatre graphics class. So far, at any rate. Today we did fun easy stuff-bisecting angles, finding the center of things, transfering angles, good times. Love playing with compasses. I managed to finish all my homework, too. Yay! In eighth grade, I had algebra, but for some reason, I spent nearly the entire year playing with a compass in class. Did all sorts of intricate flower things, and slinkies, and donuts. It was great. Amazingly enough, I also learned algebra as well. Course, it was the second time around. In seventh grade, I tool algebra, did well in it, but just had to get really sick when they covered parabolas, so I didn't understand them as well, so I failed the final, taking me from an A in the class to a C. So I decided to take it over again. Glad I did, I liked the teacher a lot more than my first one, and two of my best friends (Tenaya and Ben) were in the class, so good times were had by all. Of course, the second time around, we didn't really do anything with parabolas, so it was kind of a waste. I could've taken geometry that year, algebra two/trig freshman year, and would have learned a lot more and all, but oh well. I don't really regret anything I did in my pre-college school years, though I did make a lot of stupid decisions. Occasionally I wish that I knew more about something, but I don't think I would go back and do it over.

Moving on... don't really have much else to say. It's funny, even when I didn't particularly like something, you find yourself referencing it to other people? That's happened a few times. In the previous entry, when I was talking about my legs falling off, Matt wrote that it reminded him of the guy in the movie "Kids". On the whole, I really disliked that movie, won't go into why right now. But the past couple weeks, some one says something, or something comes up, and I'm reminded of something in that movie (this is not the only thing that other things remind me of, it's just the one I'm mentioning at the moment), whether it was something I liked or not, and I've found myself recommending it to other people. Very strange. I don't know, it wasn't a bad movie or anything, it was well made, too, and I don't wish that I hadn't seen it, but I would not watch it again. There are some movies that you wouldn't seek out, but if it's on, you'll watch it, but "Kids" I would avoid watching again. Except certain parts. Okay, I'll stop embellishing now. I tend to do that: over talk and over explain and confuse things. Need to stop that.

Alrighty, I'm going to go eat lunch now, then head off to the costume shop for 4 lovely hours of sewing. Ick. I can amuse myself by thinking of it as Stitch and Bitch, though, so it whould be semi bearable.

12:03 p.m.
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