kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

missing randomness

Now I think I'm starting to catch on to why Matt doesn't work out unless he goes to bed at 10. Going to sleep at midnight or a tad bit after and waking up at 6 just doesn't happen. Oh well. I rode about 13 miles yesterday, so I think it evens out.

Yesterday was good. I love my Intro to Design class. No required books or materials, the teacher has a nicely developed sense of sarcasm (or maybe he's just not witty, hehehe, I'll explain another time) and the first assignment is to find two ads, one that I like, one that I don't, and be prepared to explain in detail why or why not. Tabitha loves that I have homework that condones her buying Vogue or Cosmo. Only have one book to buy for the english class. That's going to be an interesting, strange class. I know three people in it-Beths roommate, Kirsten, Erin, the girl whose apartment the party was at, and Carla, who was at the party. Oh, by the way, the cops just said "hey, we got a noise complaint, keep it down" and left. Seattle cops are so pathetic. They drive these really pretty silvery powder blue cars, that are so not authoritative. The first time I saw one, I was so tempted to go pat the cop on the head "oh, how cute! And did your mommy buy you that manly uniform, too?" Thank god I have some shred of self control still. I have a page long paper due next wednesday, but I can only brainstorm till after we have the class discussion monday. It's a one page single spaced response to Cornish's Mission Statement. So far I have no other response than to comment on the fact that it's comprised of two borderline run-on sentences. I say borderline because I'm pretty sure that in all technicality, they are not run'on. They're just fairly long sentences with a few commas. So yeah.

Then I rode down to the fencing salle, nearly killing myself several times on the way. If anyone ever decides to open their door as I'm barreling down hill, I'm fucked. I want a spedometer. I passed a couple of cars going down. I'd go slower, but a) I don't want to block cars who wish to go at a decent speed on narrow streets b) I really don't want to strip my brakes, and c) it's actually fun as all hell. I love it. But there are quite a few moments when I'm terrified. Anyway, got to the salle, hung out for a while, watching, seeing how much I remembered by critiquing people. I'm going in tonight to fence in the AP open fencing thing. It's for people who have fenced for four months or more; they have a five minute lesson, then open floor sparing. It's been a while, but I think I can get it back pretty easily. Can I afford the money and time, though. And can I drag my tired ass all the way back up the hill afterwards. We'll see. I might break down and spend money on a bus, though I'm sure riding 5 miles, 3 or 4 of them up hill, after an hour of fencing, would do wonders for my legs. They might fall off or something. I can see it now-"Come see the girl with the amazing detatchable legs!" Yeah, then I could really be a circus freak. Whatever. Friday morning I'm going to go juggle with David. That'll be fun. Hope I'm still semi decent at it. We'll see.

I'm in a darn good mood right now. Got an extra 45 minutes of sleep, had a lovely reassuring phone conversation last night and I've got my iced chai tea. The woman yesterday let me owe her 85 cents for it, paid her back today. People here are so nice.

Hmmm. Would have gotten to sleep earlier, but we watched Empire Records (kick ass movie, I recommend it to anyone who is easily amused), and before that I called Matt. Was going to keep it a short conversation, but that just doesn't happen. Actually, it was only an hour, which, for our night conversations, is definitely on the short side. It's wonderful, when somehow some one thinks that you're amazing and beautiful, and you haven't done anything special. Love is a wonderous thing. I love Matt for everything he does and is, and I'm constantly surprised by his sweetness, and (I hate to use the same word several times in the same proximity, but oh well) how wonderful he is, but I'm sure he's not doing anything out of the ordinary. But somehow, just by our plain old selves, we fascinate each other.

I feel kind of bad, I've only been talking about how much I miss Matt. In truth, I miss a lot more. Seattle looks familiar to me now, or at least parts do, and I have a feel for the layout, but I miss the familiarity of the Bay Area. I miss my cat. An Walden Pond Books (different from Walden Pond, mind you), and Arizmendi, and Blondies and Fat Slice and Discount Fabrics, on Mission, and the Pacific Fencing Club, and Head Over Heels, and Tracy and Marek and Chelsea and Darin and Kate and Sam Tannenbaum, and a hundred other things and people. Kat. Haven't talked to her in so long, I feel really bad. She was the sarcasm queen. No one else could ever match her. Tried to email her, but she's over the email limit, so I'll try later. Okay, I'm going to go before this entry gets to me. Have theatre graphics this morning, the class that's costing me the most, grrrrr. Alrighty, I'll write later, onward I go.

7:45 a.m.
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