kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

First morning

I start college in 70 minutes. Yes, I am just a tad bit nervous. It's going to be fine, I know, but I worry still. Oh well.

Started a workout routine this morning. Need to get it engrained early so I don't slack off. Going to do it every morning. My alarm clock works, which is a good thing. Nothing like really loud ABBA to get you up in the morning. Our building has a rule about it being quiet from 10 pm to 8 am, so that's extra incentive for me to run down the ladder and shut it off when it goes off at 6. I put it below my bed so I'd actually have to get up to turn it off. Once I'm standing, there's no return. It wakes Tabitha up, too, though, so that's not good. Oh well. She'll be working soon enough and need to get up early too.

I wonder if I can work two jobs. It just occured to me that the job at PNTA (Pacific Northwest Theatre Association) Is not workstudy. The other one is, fortunately. It's funny, though the job at Kirkland performance Center is by far and away better for both experience and resume and all that, I think I'd rather work behind a counter selling theatre equipment. I'd have access to all the equipment and books I'd need, too, which would be very good. But as it's not workstudy, I don't know if I could do it. Maybe for a few hours every thursday afternoon. We'll see. Have an interview there on thursday this week. Again, we'll see.

I'm starting to get a bit homesick. Not in the usual way, it's just that I keep thinking I can just hop on Bart, go to Powell station. Call Tracy, go bike riding on College Ave, go look at the earings at Itsy Bitsy. Do my laundry down the street. Call Naya, go to a movie at the Grand Lake theatre. Wander around in Amoeba trying to decide if I really want another Pogues CD. Then I remember that I can't exactly do anything like that. Mark was making it worse when I talked to him-"So then Macklin and I went down to the Castro and ate lemon bars. And to the Mission. We bought religious artifacts, it was great." Tabitha lived there, so it would have been worse for her, but still, the mention of such familiar places, and the knowledge that I can't see them again for a while gets to me. I know I've only been talking about how much I miss Matt, but truth be told, he's far from the only thing. I've been busying myself so I can't think about it too much, though. Oh, I have dresser now, too. My clothes are no longer in a cardboard box, yay! Finding that was one thing I busied myself with, you see. Found a movie theatre nearby that shows old movies. They also do silents with a little orchestra thing. But that's 15 dollars, so I dunno if I can really go. Every now and then.

It rained yesterday. It's starting. The never-ending wetness. Oh dear. Tabitha's happy about it, though. I need actual shoes. Converse soak through way too fast. The rain smelled salty, it was funny. Reminded both of us of Fishermans Wharf. Hmmm. Alrighty, I should go now, start mentally preparing myself. 50 minutes. Oh dear.

5:53 a.m.
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