kicking ass, maybe taking names for later


This is going to be a random entry, as I have a few completely unrelated topics that I wanted to write about. I'll try to fit them together so that it's not too disjointed or DISCURSIVE (hmph), but forgive me if I fail at that.

So Ruby, the nice lady across the hall, gave us her TV. It's been moldering in disuse for a while, so she gave it to us to use. We have a lot of videos (more now, we just stopped at a yard sale thingy, I now own the original Star Wars set, yay me! Tabitha got a Star Trek video, and two Disney movies) but we had no TV to watch them on. The sound sucks, I think it just needs to be cleaned out, but other than that, it's great. I'm a bit worried that I'll never do anything now, but I think if we put a sheet over it and ignore it, it'll be okay. Then, far exceeding the bounds of nice neighborliness, she offered to drive us about Saturday morning. So we went to Home Depot, got boards for my bed (I no longer feel as if I was going to fall through onto my desk and all, good thing) then to Target (Tabitha almost cried)where we got a mirror and chair. Finally, a place to sit! Other than the floor. We wasted the rest of the day watching movies. Didn't talk to Matt last night, which is actually a good thing. I miss him so much, and every time I talk to him, it's like we're not that far apart, but then we have to hang up, and the distance is that much more painful. Talked to him today, though. It's easier during the day. Good pun and innuendo laden conversation. It was pretty awful, but we, being the complete dorks we are, loved it.

We're at the cafe on our way to get groceries. Took the bus (I need to ride my bike at some point today, didn't on Saturday) which brings me to something else. Paying for public transportation. I got into an argument about this recently. I think that, if you are a poor student like me, it's alright if you somewhat underhandedly obtain a bus pass, especially since if you pay for one, it's 45 dollars a month (and that's for the non rush hour time one). Were I to go about getting one another way, it would be 30 dollars, and would last me the semester. Yay for student discounts (except my school doesn't offer it, I'd have to get it through a student at another). HOWEVER, if one os not technically a student, and one is earning more than a little over minimum wage, then one is obligated to pay for the pass or the actual fare. I view this like a lot of things. If you would be taxed by paying for neccessities (such as transportation, which is a neccessity in a city) then you shouldn't be required to. If you can pay for it, then DO. I pay for the bus. I don't ride it enough to warrant a pass, but Tabitha will be going to work soon, that's 1.50 twice a day, or 54 dollars a month (peak time zone price). Personally, that money would be better spent on something like food, rent or phone bill. Anyway, as muddled as that explanation was, it's my opinion. Actually, I view busses as an inferior mode of transportation. On friday, I beat Tabitha home by a good 5 or 7 minutes, and she was on the bus, with a head start. And the first two thirds of the way was up hill. I was very proud of myself. Oh! Also on friday, it was the job fair at school. I applied for one kick ass job, as a technical directors assistant, and then, as I was on my way to check out a fencing club, I passed the Pacific Northwest Theatre Association store (sells and rents theatre epuiptment, said they were hiring. That would also kick ass, as I would have access to any and all equiptment and books I might need. The other job is better for resume/experience stuff, but either would be good. We'll see. Then Tabitha got a printer, very good. I'm in the process of typing up my resume there, since the internet version was giving me issues. Tomorrow I go to the bookstore at UW to get my art supplies, and then school starts tuesday. Scary. I'm very nervous about that. It'll be fine, I know, but I'm still apprehensive. I'm back at the bottom of the pile again. It'll be at LEAST a year before I can start designing again. I'm a little bummed about that, but it's a good thing, too. I have so much to learn. I actually shouldn't have been designing yet, I don't knowhalf as much as I need to. But I will. I'm actually really looking forward to school, which is amazing, since I've wanted out since 8th grade. Anyway, I should go now, write later, let you know how school is. Feel free to leave me notes, opinions, hate mail, propositions, money or just about anything. My guestbook feels abandoned. Alrighty, I go now.

1:41 p.m.
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