kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The history of Claire

Wow, this is really sad. I'm putting another entry up, less than an hour later. No offense to the diaryland junkies, but this is really pathetic. Oh well. holdasecret.diaryland.com Used to be a friend of mine, then she fell in love with me, but I didn't exactly reciprocate, and she tends to exaggerate things, so it got all wierd, but then it was fine, we managed to be friends even though she still liked me, then all this crap happened. I admit, I am sort of at fault. She wore an orange bandana on St. Patricks day (Her grandfather was a Protestant in Northern Ireland), which she thought as a symbol of pride in her background, but me, being a good Irish Catholic took that as a highly offensive act (as would any Irish person), and wrote her an anonymous email telling her off and she freaked. It was pretty ridiculous. But aside from me being anonymous, I didn't do anything offensive. My emails were polite, but to the point. The first one was actually sort of humorous. Anyway, eventually she found out it was me, sort of forgave me. A bit of back ground now (here's where it get complicated)-two of my friends, Mark and Macklin, both really dislike her (her name is Claire, by the way)because of how she over dramatizes everything, and makes herself unhappy. It's kind of sad actually. She always complains about being unhappy and depressed, but she doesn't do anything about it. Refuses to take medication, but I don't think she needs any. She just needs to get out of the house and do stuff, stop focusing on the problems and stuff. But they are both friends of hers as well. Macklin she regards as one of her best friends, and Mark she gets mad at often, but she'd miss him a lot if he weren't there. (Mark is the Mad Russian, by the way, there will probably be stuff about him later). SO anyway, Macklin hates her, but can't let her know that for some reason, and she still thinks he likes her. I was putting a random entry on her old diary (i-just-hope.diaryland.com -it's locked now, though). It was just random stuff about potstickers and it was funny. Then Macklin took over and put in a bunch of stuff including all her phone numbers and directions to her house. I have to say, I feel bad for going along with it. That really wasn't right. I do feel bad about it, and wish I could apologize, but that would mean telling on Macklin, and I'm not going to do that. SO now she's locked her diary and moved to another. I'm not supposed to have that address, but I do. Thanks to Macklin. The thing is, she suspected me for a bit, but then realized I wouldn't do that, and she sort of suspected Mark, but not really. Macklin really is the only one who it could be. None of the rest of us have that information. But she will never even begin o think it might be him because she doesn't want to believe that. I'm sure all of you really wanted to hear that whole long, drawn-out story. Oh well. the reason I put it up there is because i just came from reading her diary, and son of a gun, she still likes me. Doesn't want to, but she does. Hmmm. Oh well. Who knows. I certainly don't. I'm just tired of all the drama flying around. tired of my busy schedule, tired of being nice to bitchy directors, tired of school.... I'll go now, this entry is way too blinking long.
9:37 a.m.
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