kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

OH I'm ready for it

So, to get through the whole college thing, I went ahead and borrowed money. Nearly everyone does. And then, when I was done with it, I had to start paying it back. So far, so good. I consolidated them all, because I have no plans to do more of the school stuff, at least not any time soon. Again, makes sense, a good idea, even. Except that one of the lenders didn't get the message. So now, they think that they haven't gotten any monthly payments for a few months, so they want 10,287.51. In the next 10 days. And want 2.24 for every day late, until they 'take action' or whatever. Jesus. Why why why? Why do these places not talk to each other? Why do they not know? What assholes. Both these guys and the ones I consolidated with. Lame.
Other than that, I have been hibernating, and have nothing to say. Except that tomorrow I have to get up early and visit the theatre for the thing I'm assisting on, and then come home and do what I'm betting is 6 loads of laundry. Oh yeah.
8:34 p.m.
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