kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

She'll be driving 6 white horses

So, as much as I complain about the soul-sucking work, I do like having the money to slowly improve things. Like- paying off credit cards, and buying a foam topper for my bed, and giant bath towels, and repainting my room someday in the not-too-distant future. And buying more sweaters and such. All good things.
I emailed someone on craigslist about a cat. They haven't written back. Sad. It seemed like a very nice cat. One like said "He loves to sit up on laps and play fetch with his mousie toys." How could I not? But it was posted a couple days ago, so likely someone else got him. Oh well.
I'm starting on an assistant design for a promisingly interesting project. Doing drafting for that on wednesday.
John and I are entering a rally race through cranberry bogs. It's in a few weeks. You get handed a map right before you take off, so it will be my job as navigator to read it well, and direct him. It's all about "right turn, 300 feet" except that there will be 3 right turns before that, and maybe a Y split. I'm a little nervous about getting us lost. But I'm good at navigating, and he's really good at driving. So as long as we don't go off the road into a bog, I'd say we're okay. It'll be fun.
I should do laundry today. I'm not sure I'm motivated enough. But I am motivated enough to shower and make lunch. So we'll see where that leads.
11:43 a.m.
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