kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

High school smile, oh yes

Oh dear. 20 days without an update. I've been busy. And the longer I go without writing, the harder it is to write. So, to just hit the high points, I suppose.
1. I bought a blackberry. I was getting so irritated with text messaging on a numeric keyboard, and I have several people who text me on a regular basis now, both for work and for social junk. In any case, I love it. It's an older model, got it off ebay, but it's pretty, and my calendar is all synced up, and I actually update it and everything. The only thing is that it's fucking up my typing ability because it automatically capitalizes the beginning of sentences, and I have to push shift to type a period, so I keep typing > at the end of sentences in this. Small price. I need to finish transferring my phone book into it, for some reason my old phone saved everything to the phone and not the sim card, and I can't figure out how to transfer it. A quick internet earch confirmed that I'm not the only one with this issue, so I don't feel too stupid.
2. Lyricus' show was beautiful and amazing and fantastic.
2a. The other show I was working on was terrible and torturous and a disgra ce to the name of theatre. I had to compromise my art a lot for it.
2b. I went to see Lyricus's show while I was in the middle of the other one, and it satisfied my need to create something worthwhile, and I was able to go back to the other show and make all of the brightening changes that the producer asked for. Basically, she thought that it was too dark, so I had to ruin every cue by piling on front light. Whatever.
3. I was in tech for three different shows back to back, solidly for two and a half weeks. I basically came home to sleep, except that
4. I was/am spending a lot of time with John, and that tends to involve driving around Long Island until 5 am. Not the best idea ever. But I like driving, and I needed that escape.
5. The good thing that came out of the terrible show- Ian, the production manager, hired me on to this other show that he's the master electrician on, so I picked up a bunch of hours doing that. This also led to meeting this guy who's basically doing the same thing as me, but a lot more successfully. Chris, from Seattle introduced us (he [Ethan, that is] was out there assisting on a how) but we didn't meet until Ian turned to me and begged me to find him a moving light programmer, and Ethan ended up being able to do it, and is also there doing electrician stuff. He's a pretty cool guy, I'm mildly angling to date him, but who knows. In any case, I got him work, so he owes me a beer. Good times.
I haven't hung out with the Sunnyside crowd in a long long time. I feel a little disconnected. I haven't really seen either of my roommates either. Though I do run into Leslie more than I'd like. She repainted the bathroom a couple of days ago. It look terrible. Oh well. I don't know when I'm going to move out, I'm thinking maybe after camp? Who knows.
I'm behind in all my journal reading, except onepinksock and Melinda. I'm starting to have a little bit of free time, but it's actually freelance working time, like preparing for designing stuff, and doing some drafting. So while there's no one aiting for me to show up somewhere, there is stuff I need to be doing, and it's tough to motivate myself. Particularly when what I need to do right now is get up and take a shower and get on a train to go to South Orange, NJ, to take inventory, and measurements for an updated theatre plan, and then go to Paramus (for which I have to go all the way back into New York, which I think is just fucking ridiculous) to watch a dance rehearsal. Till 10 pm. Feh. Okay. Up I get.
12:12 p.m.
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