kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Once for the devil and once for the christ

Woo! I'm on a little bit of a driving high right now. Sort of. Went out to Long Island and drove for a while , practicing shifting gears and getting used to it. It was the easiest stick shift I've ever driven, though. Usually I have all sorts of issues finding the gear, and general panic. But with this car, the gears were pretty easy to find, I didn't have to lay the clutch to the floor, and it was good. There were even moments where I felt like I know what I was doing. But then I got bored with just going down the road, past the deer, around the loop and back, so I went out back on to the real road. And ended up driving back to my house. I really didn't mean to, I fully intended to relinquish the wheel. That's kind of a lie. I mean, I didn't plan on it, but I had a sneaking suspicion. The problem with me and driving stick is that I'm unsure of myself, and because of that, I don't know how to stop. I mean, I do, brake, clutch in, stop. But it kind of seems easier to just keep going than to think about stopping and figure out where and how to do it. Once I got back into Queens I started fucking up some. Not badly, but I stalled a couple times at red lights. Oh well. It was a good time. When you're on the freeway, you don't have to shift at all, so I got to just drive, and it was a good fast little car, so once I got used to it, I powered through the (albeit light) curves. I love that, where you have the slight centrifugal force pulling on you, and you're accelerating and just guiding it smoothly along and flying.
I was going to write about something else, but I forget now. The damn cat knocked stuff off my desk. I keep thinking I'm going to ban him from my room, but I haven't yet. Maybe soon. Occasionally he settles down and sleeps next to me, but most of him time in my room is spent tearing around wreaking havoc, attacking my feet, and hiding under the bed so I can't kick him out.
I'm tired. Driving stick was a lot less stressful than usual, but there was still a level of tension, and it wiped me out.
2:18 a.m.
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