kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

The pipes, the pipes are calling

So two days ago, the weather apparently touched 70. Yesterday evening it rained. Today I woke up to snow. Weather.com calls todays weather a 'wintry mix' which sounds like some great grab bag prize, or maybe a cocktail. But it's not. It's rain, and freezing rain, and some snow, and then a little sleet tossed in. Good thing I have absolutely no reason to go out today.
Yesterday I got an email saying that the show that I transferred to London can't rent any extra instruments, and so I have to make it fit into the confines of their inventory. Oh boy. I had worried a touch about that as I was originally working on it, but I was too focused on just getting it done, and making it work within the confines of their hanging positions. So yesterday was spent at my aunt's apartment, working waaay too slowly due to chatting and watching tv. But I figured it mostly out, and Aaron gave me minor changes to make this morning, so all is well. Particularly because I don't need to redraft the plot or anything, just come up with a list of the substitutions. Easy-peasy.
SO. The Pogues cancelation! So apparently when he fell, he hurt/tore/bruised/something-ed the ligaments in his knee. Ouch. They did the show last night, with Shane in a wheelchair, and by all accounts it rocked. I'm re-excited about seeing them tomorrow. Tomorrow! Woo!
On wednesday (which was, by the way, Pi Day. I did not have and pie. Very sad) I left the house at about 3 30, and got to Rosie O'Grady's at about 4 15. I knew that at least one other person seeing the Pogues would be there. Heh. when I got there, it was pretty apparent that it was happy hour for the business class. All middle aged people in suits of varying degrees of Irish. I ordered a cider, and drank it too quickly. I love sitting in bars, though. It took a little while for me to settle in and get comfortable there, but once I did, it was great. The lighting, the rows of bottle, the high chairs, and the eavesdropping. There were three women sitting near me, I think one of them was visiting and the other two worked nearby? Not sure. In any case, they bantered with the bartender some, which was amusing. They discovered the sort-of connection that he was from Co. Clare, and that's where one of them was 'from', but she had never visited, or met what family she might have there. But the bit that made me almost spit out my drink was when they were leaving, one of them said 'Erin go brach' in that totally dead american mangling of it, and the bartender (who had a lovely accent) ducked his head, and after a second replied "slante" in an equally pronunciation-free tone. I don't know if they realized his mocking, but I certainly appreciated it.
Eventually the guy next to me and I made the connection that we were both seeing the Pogues, and then a bunch of his friends showed up, and random other people. By 6 30, the place was way packed. By 7, I had had 3 Magners, and a chambord and sours. I was more than a little tipsy, partially due to the fact that I hadn't eaten anything yet. Oops. Basically, I woke up late and hadn't been hungry then, had always had plans of eating at the bar, and so the closer it got to time to leave home, the less inclined to eat I was. Bad idea, I know. So some people were headed to go to another bar/pub and get food. I followed. We wandered the streets for a little while, and then ended up in a faux Irish bar with no food. At which point we heard the Rumor. I was a little fed up with everything (the being drunk, the being hungry, and the aimless wandering) so I volunteered to go over and scout it out, on the way grabbing some pizza. Which was just about the best thing I've ever eaten. The security guards at the Roseland were handing out flyers, I took one back to the bar, and left. Kind of a bummer, but I had a good evening of drinking and eavesdropping. The real bummer was that I hadn't been drinking water as I was drinking, and I didn't go to sleep right away, so by the time I got off the train in Sunnyside, I had a raging headache. I hate that, straight from drunk to hungover without missing a beat. Terrible.
Oh! Also, the ladies room at Rosies had an attendant. What? Why? It's a two stall bathroom, there was barely room for her! I declined her services though, as I a)was rather weirded out at being waited on in that setting, and b)didn't have any tip money, as I had a tab open.
The bartender also lives in Sunnyside, and I talked to him a little bit about where to go drinking. I don't know about outside of work, but at work, bartenders are my favorite people.
In any case- I am seeing the Pogues tomorrow. I am definitely getting there early. It's a sold out show, and the opening band is supposed to be good. It's going to be insane.
11:49 a.m.
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