kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

She's always worried bout things like that

I bought books today. I was reading Ahab's Wife on the train, and then was walking by a bookstore and somehow found myself inside. It's a rather expensive habit, but one I really don't want to kick. So now I have-
Cyrano de Bergerac-Edmond Rosland
Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen
The Things They Carried-Tim O'Brien
The Moor's Last Sigh-Salman Rushdie
and yet another copy of The Time Travelers Wife-Audrey Niffenegger. I think I have 4 copies of that now. But I gave one away, and the other two are in storage, and I really want to have it around to reference. And maybe reread. I'm not sure why I like it so much, but for some reason.. I don't know. It just appeals to me on so many levels. It's good writing, it's the best explanation of time travel I've heard. The method is unrealistic, but the determination of it, how if he visits the future, it becomes part of his past, and therefore has kind of already happened; and the fact that you can't change the past because if you had done anything, it would have happened already- all that makes so much sense and satisfies me in all the right logic places. It's a great love story. It's has thoughts about art, and politics, music, sex, love, books. They're making a movie of it. I really hope they don't kill it, but I don't see how they won't. The talk is of having the head Mean Girl play Claire, and while I think MacAdams is a good actress, I really don't think she's right for the part. We'll see. In my geekiness I check the imdb message board for it a lot. I'm a big fan of Crudup as Henry. Enough about that.
Cyrano I've kind of been meaning to read for a while now. It keeps coming up in talking about theatre, and I feel stupid for not having read it.
Pride and Prejudice, well, the movie of course. And watching the A&E version, which is almost verbatim. It also seems like of of those books that one should have read, have as reference.
The Things They Carried is about the Vietnam War, and while that's not a subject I'm particularly interested in, we read a snippet of it in my lit class last semester, and it was really good. The writing supercedes the topic, I think. Which is to say- the Vietnam War is not a subject I would pick to read about, but his writing is so compelling and interesting that just the snippet made me want to read the whole book, and learn more about the background.
Rushdie- I like. I know that I like, and so I am reading my way through everything he's written.
Ahab's Wife is really good. I've fallen down on my reading some, and this was a great hook back in. I started this morning and am nearly halfway through. I sat and read at home for about 3 hours, which I haven't done in ages, and which felt fantastic to get back to. It felt a little weird to eat thai curry while reading about being on a ship. The one bad thing is that i'm so excited to be reading again that I'm reading too fast. I've been reading it like I read a scipt the first time, flying through it to get the whole general sense and arc. I feel like I'm maybe missing things, and it's a long book, so I don't think I'll be rereading it in the immeadiate future, which means I need to slow the hell down and savor it.
So I'm doing the egg donation thing. I had my consultation, psych evaluation, pelvic exam, blood tests, personality test stuff today. There's a 1/4 chance that I'm a carrier of Tay-Sachs, which would knock me out of the running, so they're screening me for that before they run the other 11 tests for Jewish specific diseases on my blood. So I have to wait nearly a month to find out if I'm still eligible, and then some more time after that. Feh. I really hope I'm not a carrier of any of this stuff. That would kind of feel like being betrayed by my own blood. And that would be lame. Other than that, there were two discoveries of the day. One was that I was running a low-grade fever of 100.6. I wonder how long that's been going on. Or if I still am. Sometimes I really wish I had a thermometer around to indulge me in my borderline-hypochondria. The other is that I have an ovarian cyst. During the pelvic exam, they do an ultrasound. Which is really weird. Strange feeling, strange to look at the screen, strange to see how everything fits, kind of. Apparently ovarian cysts are pretty common, pretty regular, and they go away on their own anywhere between one week and 3 months. Still kind of creepy. Particularly because it's HUGE. Two inches. I have a big two inch circle of fluid attached to my ovary. Creepy. I'm not the type to get squeamish over these things, I'm okay with blood, I watch all the hospital shows with no problem, but then you see every thing in your own body, and start realizing how big everything is. Seriously, my ovaries on their own take up a lot of room. Also- your bladder. Never realized quite how much room that took up, even when empty. How is there room for everything? The screen magnified it slightly, but not much. I just seem too small for everything in there, and then add on this two inch growth that doesn't belong?
I need more work. There's a lull this week, and while that's good, because this whole visit took most of the day, and I need to do laundry, and yesterday I ran around the city collecting paychecks, and then hauling the last bag of clothes from my aunts place (which was every bit as awkward a journey as I imagined)... where was I? Oh yes, the lull is good, because I can take care of these things, but it's bad because I feel at loose ends, and I am also not making money, and I need to. I'll email and call people tomorrow. It'll be exciting.
1:26 a.m.
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