kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Dream of horses

I am so tired. But I have a bunch more work to do. So it goes.
So, the booty call did happen. It was good. So you know the directing student that I thought was gay? Oh, I was wrong. Me. And a Director. I'm so ashamed. But it was good, I'm so glad I didn't chicken out. I haven't had sex since the end of last january, and while we didn't actually have sex, it was close enough to very nearly be. It was very satisfying and pretty hot, and we curl well together. He left at about 1. I would have liked him to stay the night and kept me warm, but he had stuff in the morning, and I had to leave the house at 9, and I have a hard time sleeping the first time I sleep with some one else there, so it's ultimately a good thing.
So, monday and yesterday I worked on the Marc J***** show. It was exciting. Well, yesterday was. Today was 10 hours of hauling cable, pushing boxes, loading boxes, moving pipe, on and on. My feet are killing me. But, over the two days I got 17 hours and one hour of time and a half. Pay for these gigs is so wierd. Because we worked till 7:10, we got that whole hour, and because it was long enough since lunch, it counts as a meal hour, so technically, we worked through dinner break, and therefore got paid overtime. I won't question it. I made a lot of money.
Back to monday. When I got there (I was only doing a work call from noon to 5. And by 5, they meant 8) the runway was all set up, most of the lights were all in the air, the stage was all set up, and there were people painting the walls. I set up some lights, ran a bunch of cable. At about 2, models started showing up. I think I recognized a couple of them, but I could be wrong. There were random well dressed fashion industry people running around, looking slightly imperious. At about 6, they blew a breaker in hair and make up by using 4 hairdryers at once. On the one hand- well duh. When you've got all the clip lights and the hair dryers on one circuit, you runthe risk of overloading it, and people in hair and makeup shouldn't be that silly. On the other, it's a fashion show. Of course they're goig to use a million dryers at once, why do we not have more circuits dedicated? I don't know. Anyway. More people showed up to set up the seating and such, and I noticed three (four?) distinct trends. Ballet flats, of course. Robin Hood-meets-mototcyclist boots. Calf length leggings/tights. And (and this one surprised me) shapeless sack dresses, tunic-y type things. Hmm. Everyone was wearing black. Very few people were wearing heels, but most of the heels seemed to be at the ridiculou height. The exciting part came when I had to go put gel in the 8 lights by the main entrance. This was at about 7 that some one thought to get this done. So it was just me, and a 6 foot tall ladder. I had to stand on the very top of it, reach slightly above my head, while being blinded by the lights, which were fburning hot because they'd been on for a few hours, and tape (yeah, tape. We couldn't find all gelframes) the gel onto them. Ridiculous. As I was doing this, they let in the press. So halfway through, I suddenly have all these people going by, and flashbulbs are going off as they test their cameras, and I'm worried about falling off the ladder and dying. It was mildly stressful and decently exhilarating. I finished that and retreated back to me 'waiting for directions' corner, and at about 7 50, some one asked this other girl and I to refocus a couple of those lights. We grad a ladder, haul ass over, run up, push the light around, hustle to the other side, same thing, except this one we need to move the whole stand that the light is on, and there and people with walkie talkies wanting to open the place, and some one in the press box says "oh lighting girls? Could you please put on of those lights right over here? Pointing here?" Good grief. I tried to go back over to tape on of the plug connections, but it was too late, they were starting to let people in, and there was no way I could get through. I also would have ruined a lot of photos. I really wish I followed fashion stuff more, I'm sure I brushed up against all sorts of some-what famous people. But it was exciting. I don't know that I ever want to work one again, but I'm really glad that I did. I didn't stay for the show, though. I probably could have, but I was so improperly dressed, and I had somewhere else to be, and I was pretty tired, so I opted for escape.
And now I really have to go back to working on this light plot. It's really frustrating and boring, but it's already a bit late, and the designer is a friend who has gotten me all sorts of connections. I think i might take a shower before I start again. Need to clear my head.
11:00 p.m.
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