kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now

Oh my. I am very tired right now. And I need not to be, because I have...ummm...under 8 hours to make my portfolio awesome. And somewhere in there I need to take a shower and get stuff printed out. Gah. So, clearly, I have to finish writing here first.
Yesterday was good. But odd. But good. I got money orders (damn you, out-of-state checks, damn you) and handed them over, so I really have an apartment now, with a deposit and 1st months rent to prove it. I also now know exactly how little money I have, and need to make some more, in the near future. I also need to call Anne-Marie and find out where she is in finding a place, so we can coordinate getting our stuff from Connecticut. Which is going to be kind of a pain in the ass. I need to get my stuff. I want to have my books, and my memory box, my pillows, my art supplies, all of my stuff with me. The rest of my clothes. But it's all mixed up with her boxes, and Jill's parents live an hour away from the train, and so, according to Jill, it's easier for them to just load everything back into the truck, and drive 4 hours into the City, than to drive an hour to pick me/us up, have us help load and separate stuff, then 4 hours in. Also, it's rather unreasonable to ask them to make two different trips. I'm thinking about borrowing my ex-uncles jeep and taking a load of stuff that I need sooner rather than later. We'll see. maybe by some fortuitous accident, Anne-marie also got a place right about now. I also have no furniture. Well, my aunt is going to send me bookshelves, about 6 of them, that will fit all my books with space left over, so I'm thinking I'll use those for clothes and such as well, but I still need to buy a bed. Which is what craigslist is for, except that I have no way of picking it up, which is lame. We shall see. I've got an apartment, so the rest is just details.
Then I futzed around for a few hours, took my time getting ready, and left later than I intended. Through the wonder of email digest lists, I found out about a bunch of theatre people, primarily lighting designers, going out and drinking last night, and I had decided to crash it. Also, Tenaya is working the Sleepwalkers exhibit at the Moma this week, and I had promised that I would stop by and see her, and it. But the primary goal was the drinking, and in a fit of unusual girliness, I tried on literally 6 different things before I settled on what I had started with. Ridiculous. I'm ashamed. Anyway. It was cold. Not as cold as the last couple nights, but it was pretty darn cold. I stood and watched the videos inthe parking lot for a while. It was pretty interesting. I'm not sure what I think yet, I have to go back and watch it more. There are 5 people, and you see them going through the course of their days. Everything is synced up, though they're going different-ish things. There's no sound, and no other people around them, really. It's very lonely. Maybe not lonely. Isolated. There are all sorts of (and I really don't know how to put this, but) points of contact, I guess, between their lives. Manufactured points, so within the parallels, in between shots of the people themselves, there will be the same image on both screens. I don't quite know how to talk about it, and I'm worried about sounding pretentious or really wrong and stupid if I try to talk about meaning. Tenaya has some pretty good theories, since she's seen all of them in all their different combinations. She was in the sculpture garden, so I went and stood with her until her break. Which was good, but maybe a bad idea in retrospect. Not really, but it was very cold, and it meant that I stood out in the cold for about an hour total. I did dress warmly, but there's dressing warmly, and then there's dressing to stand in the cold for extended amounts of time. She told me stories about the rich, rude people who she has to deal with. She deals with them better than I would, I think.
So then I walked over to the subway, caught the 6, and went down to Bleeker, and walked some more. But it was so worth it. One of the designers, H, I sent my resume to a week or so ago, and so now he's basically promised to hire me. His primary assistant was there as well, Susan. She is... awesome. I don't know what else to say. She incredibly beautiful, but in a nice natural way, so she's not intimidating at all. She looks kind of like Jamie, who I used to work with way back when, who still holds the position of most beautiful person I actually know. And she was really nice, gave me little side commentary on stuff, hugged me when I said I liked doing paperwork (which apparently, everyone else hates. Go me inadvertently making myself an instant asset) and in general was very cool. I handed my card out to a lot of people, I collected a few cards, I didn't pay for either of my two ciders, and I got to listen in all all kinds of good stuff. I felt a little bit out of my league, but I think I'll catch up pretty quickly. I'm sending drafting and such to one of the other designers, he sounded very interested in seeing it and maybe hiring me. All sorts of stuff hovering on the horizon. At one point I looked out the window, and it was snowing, big pretty flakes in the streetlights, and it was just one of those perfect moments, where you are in the right place, at the right time, and everything is as it should be.
I left at 12 3oish (it wasn't snowing anymore) and caught my three trains back here. It took for-evvvverr (who's seen The Sandlot?). Some one had offered to share a cab with me, but he was going to midtown, and I didn't think I had enough cash on me to make it all the way back, so I declined. So, an hour and a half on the subway, far too much of which was standing on the platform waiting. My knees hated me, and I had a wicked headache. I think I should have drank more; I think I went straight into being mildly hungover.
But I got home, checked my email, and for some reason decided to get on aim. 2 am judgement calls are not always the best. So- backstory- A few weeks back, I posted a missed connection of craigslist. I had no expectation of getting a response, I'm pretty sure the guy didn't see me. So I get an email from some guy saying 'hey, how does this missed connection thing work? Good luck with it' I'm not sure why he wrote to mine, it was fairly innocuous (Hi, 1 train uptown, you were ridiculously goodlooking, and standing on the opposite end of the train from me. Don't know if you saw me staring, but hi. Or something along those lines) but hey. So I wrote back explaining, blahdy blah. Long story short- we talk on aim, he's a 26 year old directing student (of course!) blahdy blah, and he's reading Arcadia, by Tom Stoppard. This is one of my favorite plays. I've never seen it, but it's a ton of fun to read and think about, and I mention this. He says well hey, I have to write a paper about it, when I'm done reading it, I may ask you all sorts of questions. So I reread it, we talk, I say smart things, he says 'not bad, for a lighting designer', I give him feedback on his first draft. At this point, I'm mildly convinced that he's gay, and he's pretty entertaining to talk to. I also get to feel smart because I'm giving valuable insight and ideas to a graduate student. Yay me. So- point is that at 2am, he's still online. We talk for a bit, then he says 'I'm getting into bed soon, can I call you?' whcih I'm a touch taken aback by. Umm. No. 1. I'm really tired, and about to pass out myself, 2.(unspoken) what? Seriously? Wierdo. And so that is how I wound up, at 3 am, singing 'Circle Game' over the phone to a gay man on Long Island. It was entertaining. I'm glad I talked to him because a) I'm now completely sure that he's gay, b) I got to explain some of my ideas about Arcadia out loud, which always works better than in instant messages, c)this guy knows everything about theatre. Like, he can recite the Tony winners going back several decades. Like, he knows all sorts of random things about who has done what where, and he's seen a ton, so he can actually assess peoples work. Very useful person to know. Also, appreciated my singing, which I am very insecure about (for a good reason. I'm good with certain things, but a couple years ago at Camp, I got the dirtiest look int he workd from some one because I couldn't harmonize). So. That was my night. I woke up too early, and had lots of strange dreams about snow, and my parents, and Tenaya, and I really wish I could remember more of it. But now it's almost noon, and my portfolio meeting is at 7 15, which means I should have gotten moving a while ago. Damn.
10:53 a.m.
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