kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

an update.

I've abandoned this for a really long time. I'm done with my junior year. It was long, things abou it really sucked, but I was living on my own, I liked the view from my window, I have a portfolio that will be good when I format it and really put it together. Which I'm doing in the next few weeks. I'm working at my old summer camp this summer. It's going to be awesome. I miss going there as a camper, and even though I have to actually do stuff and be responsible now, it'll be fun. I'll be there, in that atmosphere, and I'll be getting paid. And housed. And fed, really good food. Then next year I will be back in the Bay Area. My home. I know when I leave there's all kinds of things that I'll miss, but I need to not be in Seattle anymore. I don't know if it's the place and weather, or the events of the year or me, but I feel like I'm losing my sense of humor, and getting more and more bitter and bitchy. I'm hoping going home will reverse that. Being around people who know me really well, and new people at my internship. Year long internship at a good theater, where I'll do alot and learn a lot and move through the cities that I know so well. Maybe get a few friends back that I've fallen out of regular contact with. Like when I moved up here, I'm looking to start again. Rebuild myself somewhat. I feel stagnant right now. Tomorrow is closing for the show I designed, sunday is an end of school party on a beach with margaritas. Then for the next three weeks I will beg work to let me come in (there's nothing to do for the next two weeks), work on my protfolio, try not to spend much/any money, pack, and then my dad comes up to get me, we load up the car, attatch the trailer, and drive for 13 hours. Almost free. Just need to keep moving.
1:48 p.m.
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