kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

brain freeze

Hem. Well. Yes. So I haven't written for a while. Been in tech rehearsals for Henry. I really have no reason to be there, but for some reason I need to be. We don't really get any notes, and the ones we do get (or more likely, give ourselves) Brandon writes down. Some of the notes we can't do, anyway. Like-there are two 15 foot long pieces of red china silk, which is beautiful fabric. It's light, and flowy, looks fine wrinkled. So anyway, I dyed these two red, and they're used as rivers of blood at one point. The director comes up to me and asks if they can be about twice as long. Couple problems. One-that means buying more dye. That also means remembering how I got that color in the first place. The biggest problem, though, is that we have no more silk. We had thirty yards left, because I had had to buy a full fifty yard bolt (which was more economical than buying exactly what I needed) but it cost us 179, and Brandon needed money back in the budget, so I had already sold the rest to Jenny P., who's designing and building Midsummer for some one. Soon after I tell Deena that it's highly unlikely, but I'll try, the set designer comes up to me, and wants the silk to be twice as wide. I got the widest they had (54in) and besides the fact that there was no more silk, it would mean putting a big seam down the center, and it would mean that I would have to match the dye exactly, which is nearly impossible. I'm sure you were all enthralled through that explanation.

So Halloween night, I got mildly drunk. First time I've ever drank, so it was certainly an experience. Actually, it was fairly boring. I drank 4 hard lemonades in about 45 minutes, was very dizzy, talked more than normal, threw up, got taken outside for air, called Matt, was taken upstairs and put in some ones bed, threw up again (not in the bed), given bread and water, and eventually over to Jordan's apartment (he lived closest, and I could walk to my car in the morning, rather than have to have some one drive me back) where I was put to bed. Other than being dizzy and talking a little more, not much happened. I could think clearly through the whole thing (though now the order of specific things is rather blurred) throwing up didn't suck, though. Usually it's a tortutous experience that makes me want to shoot myself, but this time I barely felt it. I was mostly sober by the time I went to bed, woke up fine, drove home, showered, and headed out to work on the torches. Who knew torches could be so hellish? We've been working on them for about 3 weeks, and just yesterday got them done well. The design changed on us, stuff broke, ideas didn't work, it sucked. But they're done now, and they work, and they look pretty good. Then I sat through two rehearsals. The second was more amusing, sitting by Chelsea and Brandon and making comments. It's turned out to be a really good show, actually. There was a point at which the director wanted to quit, or at least not have her name on the poster or program, she was so ashamed of the actors, but she's gotten over that I guess.

So this entry sucked, but at least it was an update. I'll try to write regularly, so when I do write I'm not overwhelmed by all that's happened and all the background I feel like I need to give.

12:21 p.m.
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