kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Can you see the gravel moving under my feet?

I don't know, feel like I have nothing to write, which is strange. I just had the most perfect weekend I can remember, Matt and I went around and did a lot, visited the water tower iin Volunteer Park, went to the Asian Art Museum, saw Laramie Project at school (very good production, everyone either cried or held back tears at the end), I tore down the set while he hung out in a cafe, we went through my memory box. The subject of Sandra got broached, but I haven't told him anything yet, really. It's funny, now that I declined to discuss it then, and I'm mentioning it now, it feels like it's getting more importance than it deserves, getting a bigger build-up than needed, kind of like the ketchup joke in Pulp Fiction. Truth is, it's not that big of a deal, it's just very hard for me to talk about, in fact, aside from the general overview that Molly and Tabitha got, no one knows anything about it. Except Sandra. Who I actually really want to contact. I don't know why. I'm not sure it would be anywhere near a good thing to do, kind of like finding my dad's ex-wife is most likely a bad idea. I don't know. Probably won't pursue it, especially since I don't even know her last name. I was what, 7? 8? I don't remember. Anyway, I'm going to change the subject before this becomes a focal point of the entry.

Russian women are awesome. We went to Pirosky on Broadway for lunch on monday, and a family with a little boy, about three or four came in. A little while later, a young woman came in and commented on how cute the boy was (I'll vouch for that, he was a cute kid). The woman who runs the place said, very matter of factly and informatively, "Oh, that's because his mother ate lots of stuffed cabbage when she was...you know" Matt and I looked at each other in great amusement. Man, I'm eating stuffed cabbage if I'm ever pregnant. I want a cute kid! Also whenever you order, afer each thing she says "And what else?" You kind of feel guilty if you only get one or two things. I like it there, though. Want to go and get pirogies sometime, haven't had those in a while. I like being a regular in places, that's one place where I would want to establish that status if I had the money for it. At Halfway, by Sota, for a while I never had to order. They would see me and start making the hot chocolate, lots of whipped cream. Matt has that at Royal Grounds, they know about his Thai iced coffee and cranberry muffin. I don't really have a place like that here. Yet. Someday I will. Part of the problem is I have to pick one place for that to be. Joe Bar has the raspberry muffins, Noahs have asiago bagels, Piroshky has piroshkies and interesting people, Bauhaus has good music and is open late and I like the feel of it, my old internet cafe (which I've sort of abandoned because I now have internet at home) had a nice feel and the best chai tea ever. I don't know. Too many decisions. I spend too much money at Twice Sold Tales. No, I didn't go again and buy everything I saw. I recently paid Jill back for books we got there a while ago. There's a place that I'd like to be known. I was thinking about asking them for a job. I know that they don't hire people withough previous bookstore experience, but I was thinking as they don't open that early (about midmorning-noon) I could work there early mornings, shelve and sort books. I did that a bit when my mom worked for the library. I dunno, just a thought that probably won't go anywhere but it's still nice to think about.

I'm starting to hit the 'I'm tired of school' phase. I still really like all my classes, but I have so much to do and so little time, and I'm so tired and though I have so little time, it's still too long till the semesters over. I'm impressed that I lasted this long. Usually I start feeling like this after about 5 weeks of school. Made it almost twice as long. I took the day off today. I was sick this morning, threw up a good bit (THAT was fun. I always forget what a joyous experience it is), probably had a fever, I don't know. Actually, I felt better after that and sleeping till noon, could have gone to H&S, but I so enjoyed a day of nothing. Good times. Have to go in early tomorrow to finish a ground plan sketch, though. Ick.

Wow. I thought I didn't feel like writing. Think I just needed to get started. 8 days till I see Matt again. I still cried when he left, tried not to, but it didn't work. I hate when he leaves. I'm so happy and content when he's here, taking that away is always a bit of a shock. It was the most perfect weekend, though. Got to everything I wanted to and more. Time that I spend with him seems fuller, somehow. I don't know how to describe it. It's not like the time without him is any lesser, or not worthy or anything. I love hanging out with friends and everythings good and all, but when I'm with him, it's kicked up a notch, I feel everything more. Kind of like the amp in Spinal Tap. You have it on 10, but every now andd then you need to kick it up to 11. I know I'm being semi-incoherent right now. Oh well. It's almost midnight after a long day of doing nothing, I'm not likely to make sense.

Tabitha dropped her phone in the toilet the other day. Probably wouldn't have been too bad, except she dropped it ont he ground the day before that, so it was open on the side. It was completely dead for a while, but a few minutes ago, the screen lit up with "Contact service" so we'll see if there's hope for it yet. Tabitha is awesome. She may drive me nuts a lot, over ride what I say and ridicule me because I can't remember what show is on at 8 on a thursday, but sometimes she says the most thought out intelligent things ever. I don't know, perhaps it's not especially noteworthy, but it's little stuff that makes sense that people in general should think about. She's got some well backed up opinions. Molly spends three hours getting her hair and make up perfect, but her room is a mess. You can present the perfect well put together image all you want, but as soon as some one sees that room, they'll know that you aren't as together as you may seem, because adjusted, confident people will keep some semblance of order around them. I think she's right about that. I hadn't thought of it at all though. I don't know, maybe I'm being ridiculous to be so impressed by the thought processes she reveals sometimes, but I am. Oh, by the way, I never wrote any of this. She wants to keep the insane stupid image intact.

Anyway, I know I have more to write, but my own thought process is slowing down and I keep making more and more typos, so I think I'll go now, attempt to get some sleep.

Oh, there was a thunderstorm last night. It was wonderful. I love storms. Saw the biggest prettiest bolt of lightning ever. Spread out over a good 45 degrees (of a 360 degree circle, you understand) clear and bright. Most gorgeous thing. Wish it stormed more often. Want it to snow, just once. That's all I need. Don't want perpetual snow, just a bit. Alrighty, going now.

11:13 p.m.
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