kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

rain and Oakland

So apparently in Oregon, Oakland is thought of as a pleasant place. They haven't really heard anything about it for a while, but it used to be like this nice little touristy spot. Howza bout that? I was talking to Beth this morning, a few of us were talking about walking home at night by ourselves, (I was very impressed and abashed, she mentioned giving some guy an uppercut with her keys) and after hearing her stories about Portland, I was like "wow, I walked home through the ghettos of Oakland and I was never really bothered," and Beth interrupted saying "what ghettos in Oakland? Like there are any." It's funny, usually I find myself defending Oakland, saying it really isn't that bad, but this time I was defending it's bad reputation, saying, yeah, it's pretty bad there. I'm not quite sure why. I don't think she really believes me, though. Oh well.

I had an interesting weekend sleep-wise. It's all very strange, I don't know what my body's doing. Other than that, my weekend really doesn't need to be talked about. I amused myself. Watched a few movies. Oh, you know how earlier I said that the never ending wetness was upon us here in the Pacific Northwest? I lied. NOW it's rainy season. Yay. Tabitha's happy, at any rate. So far I'm fine, but I know that I'll be miserable soon enough. I need actual shoes. Converse don't really do more than cover your feet.

Alrighty, for lack of anything of interest to comment on, I go.

10:54 a.m.
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